The dark blue G318 will be unveiled on March 18, with a super range extension powertrain

Netcom News The dark blue G318 will be officially unveiled on March 18. The new car adopts a more square and tough design language. The closed grille on the front face is full of visual impact with the sharp headlights on both sides. In terms of power, the car will be equipped with a super range extension system, and the dual-motor version has a comprehensive power of 316 kilowatts. According to previously announced information, the price of the dark blue G318 may be around 300,000 yuan.

In terms of appearance, the dark blue G318 adopts a more square and tough design language, and the overall shape is full of off-road atmosphere. On the front face, the closed grille is very recognizable with the sharp LED headlights on both sides. In addition, the raised rib line design on the hood combined with the broad and blackened front surrounding components embellished with silver trims further adds to the visual impact of the front of the car.

The side shape of the new car is relatively compact, and the slightly protruding wheel arches combined with blackened wheel eyebrows and side skirt components and large-size multi-spoke wheel rims are full of muscle. At the same time, the dark blue G318 also blackens details such as window frames, and is equipped with roof racks and roof light components. At the rear, the LED taillight groups on both sides are very recognizable with an external full-size spare tire, and the car also has a tow hook assembly.

In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4915 (4998)/1985/1885 (1960) mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2880mm. In the power part, the dark blue G318 is equipped with a super range extension system. The comprehensive power of the dual-motor version reaches 316 kW, of which the front motor power is 131 kW and the rear motor power is 185 kW. In addition, the car also has functions such as in-situ U-turn.

(Photo/text, Zhang Xiaoyi)

Hua Chenyu’s Chengdu concert is coming, and it has been hot for three days to occupy the May 1st gear

In the midst of the May Day holiday, the Mars team gathered in Chengdu as scheduled, and the grand and gorgeous light of Mars shone on one side, opening another journey of the ten-year homecoming pact! On April 30, the premiere of the 2023 Hua Chenyu Mars Concert in Chengdu ended successfully. The three-day long standby carnival of the Mars family was unlocked for only one day, which has aroused countless topics and heat. Whether you once belonged to Mars or not, it is difficult not to be infected by this music kingdom full of romance and joy. A total area of 592 acres, 370,000 square meters of Chengdu open-air music park is full of "Mars red", smiling Martians occupy 55 standard football fields, equivalent to the total area of 3 small eggs, many fans shouted: Holiday This does not want to feel everyone, but for Hua Chenyu, I am willing to roll! At the same time, as the first "amusement park" concert in China, everyone also fully enjoyed the high degree of freedom of "Mars Paradise", changing into sunflowers, ghosts, immortals, aliens and other personalized clothing, fancy clocks in huge posters, Mars food trucks, welcome home LOGO, graffiti wall and other scenes, tracking the "happy code" that Huahua buried for them one by one, and feeling the dreamlike Martian heat wave in the pleasant afternoon field of "eating, drinking and playing" and the evening field of "dancing and dancing".

The first day of Mars Utopia arrived in Chengdu, completely igniting the Chengdu open-air music park. Tens of thousands of glow sticks were in unison, like stars converging in the sky to leave a unique symbol belonging to Mars. Some fans who failed to return outside the venue gathered outside the open-air music park to experience the joy of Martians from the air; some funny fans tried to catch a glimpse of Mars through the cracks of the protective net, and were ridiculed for "looking at flowers in the cracks". Fans who entered the city of Mars as they wished covered all ages, with fathers and daughters riding on their shoulders; silver-haired old couples and wives working together to feel the charm of Mars; little boys and old men shooting the same "across the bank" Mars concert pose made netizens play the stick as "Mars old and young love", and successfully came out of the circle! Once again proved that Hua Chenyu fans regardless of age, status, Mars infects everyone equally. This power has also completely awakened everyone’s imagination. 2023 Hua Chenyu Mars Concert · Chengdu Station launched the "Mars Bombing Street Fashion Week" event. The fans’ "fancy robes" have repeatedly subverted everyone’s imagination, and the "outrageous with a hint of reasonable" high freedom atmosphere has also become one of the reasons why people repeatedly fall into Mars. Hua Chenyu still intimately arranges birthday gifts for fans in the afternoon, plays online games, and chats like family to catch up with old times, showcasing the "home temperature" of Mars. He also confessed warmly: The tenth anniversary of my debut is also the tenth anniversary of your debut! In addition, the landing of Chengdu Hua Chenyu also inexplicably with the giant panda came to the wave of dream linkage, Internet celebrity giant panda Huahua and Hua Chenyu collided with fame, guest Zuo Li shouted "Guo Lai" in Chengdu dialect, causing Martians to collectively shout "Guo Lai", really, no "Huahua" can escape "Guo Lai".

Chengdu Station dance beauty modeling romantic pull full Hua Chenyu May Day singing full output surprises continue

The sun is slowly setting, and the premiere of the 2023 Hua Chenyu Mars Concert · Chengdu Station is officially on! Hua Chenyu’s All blue 3D printing shape is matched with the "Tree of God" stage opening, which instantly seals the audience in the dream land of Mars Ideal City. There are also many fans who compare its first set to "melting candles", which fully burn while illuminating more people. The whole evening was intertwined with a variety of emotions such as warm telling, explosive release, tears in the eyes, and reunion after a long absence. Each song implied the exclusive memory of Huahua and Martians: a domineering singing of "Seventh Personality" in a red dress, which pulled many fans back to the night of the king of singers in "Singer Dang’s Year"; "Meeting When Flowers" was full of snow, and staged the ultimate romance in the last "April Day on Earth" in 2023, once again shaking and dreaming for Martian residents; singing an adapted version of "Shanhai" in a real sea of tens of thousands of Martians, the grand dance design was perfectly integrated with the song, and even turned every Martian who went to the scene into a romantic part of the whole performance. At the same time, Huahua’s extremely high music control ability and stable on-site output also added a lot to the whole performance. The fans who came to the scene couldn’t help but shout: It’s not a waste of thousands of miles to go to Mars, and take a trip for the ideal! Every journey of "Huahua Encounter", with the concerted efforts of everyone, blooms the best radiance. This reunion may seem particularly short-lived because of the extreme, but it is only in the moment of collision and blooming, which is enough to make people enjoy it infinitely. I believe that in the next two performances in Chengdu from May 1st to May 2nd, Hua Chenyu can lead everyone to encounter more romance!

In the finale of "Qingyu Nian", the second prince is the mastermind behind the scenes, leaving 6 big pits in the first season, do you know?

  "Qingyu Nian" finally ushered in the finale, and also boarded Weibo’s trending topic list. Although it has experienced a series of storms, it is undoubtedly still the most popular drama on the whole network.

  But after watching the first season, there must be many viewers who are confused, and the first season finale also makes people feel very rushed. So let the editor help you sort out what pits were left in the first season of "Qingyu Nian"?

  First, Emperor Qing played a big game of chess

  Qing Di and Chen Pingping, two old foxes, had been standing at the top, planning the whole situation and letting everyone in. But in Fan Xian’s game of chess, Qing Di was a chess player, and everything was to get the secret of the temple from Sean’s mouth. On the way to send Sean off, Chen Pingping removed the black cavalry for this purpose.

  Unexpectedly, when Sean passed away, everything was under the control of Emperor Qing and Chen Pingping, just to make Sean mistakenly think that Fan Xian was his descendant, and to inform Fan Xian of the temple’s affairs unsuspecting.

  Second, Fan Xian is the son of Emperor Qing

  When Sean died, he told Fan Xian that Ye Qingmei had married the current Emperor Qing and had given birth to a child for him. This way, Fan Xian would know his background.

  Is Yan Bingyun Sean’s grandson?

  Was he Yan Ruohai’s son or Sean’s grandson? Back then, Chen Pingping did not kill Sean’s grandson. Instead, she gave him a glimmer of hope.

  Then would Yan Bingyun know his background? Where would he go?

  Third, why does the prince always show his reckless image?

  The friends watching "Qing Yu Nian" were all confused by the prince’s character, and their IQ was sometimes online and sometimes offline. Fan Ruoruo said that everyone in Kyoto knew that the prince was ignorant and acted recklessly, but was the truth really like this?

  If he was really as cowardly and incompetent as the rumors, why did the cunning Emperor Qing keep letting him sit in the position of the crown prince?

  Fifth, the second prince is actually the mastermind behind the scenes?

  He had originally thought that the Second Prince was here to make a joke, but he had not thought that he was hiding so deeply. It turned out that he was also the person behind the First Princess.

  Did Yan Bingyun kill Fan Xian?

  At the end of the first season, Yan Bingyun killed Fan Xian, but he didn’t expect Yan Bingyun to betray him? The male lead didn’t survive the first season. In the original novel, Yan Bingyun also joined Fan Xian’s subordinates.

A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China’s automotive industry

International Online Auto Channel News (Huang): Although the popularity of the domestic SUV market has subsided since May this year, and even there has been a year-on-year decline for several consecutive months, at the 16th Guangzhou Auto Show, new SUVs still account for half of the country. Among the many new SUV models, China FAW Hongqi’s first high-end C-class SUV – HS7, with its detached product positioning and unparalleled brand influence, has become the star of this auto show.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

In recent years, independent brands have developed rapidly, and various brands have frequently launched products with higher positioning, and even high-end sub-brands have gradually emerged. However, the "infighting" of independent brands in the A-class and B-class markets is a norm that cannot be changed in a short period of time. There are both technical limitations and objective problems of relatively limited brand influence. In contrast, Hongqi HS7 is like a master who has completed "closed-door cultivation", and has the potential to "ascend to immortality" in the face of the more severe C-class luxury SUV market. The irreplaceable position of Hongqi brand in people’s hearts makes people look forward to Hongqi HS7 and helps China’s auto industry climb to a new peak.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

The debut of Hongqi HS7 not only means the launch of the brand’s new strategic models, but also a concentrated display of the results of the new Hongqi brand strategy announced nearly a year later. Competitive products directly target many high-end imported cars, and Hongqi HS7 has also become the beginning of the struggle of Chinese auto brands in higher-level markets. In January this year, the brand strategy of Xinhongqi was released in the Great Hall of the People. As the eldest son of the Republic and a symbolic brand of China’s automobile industry, the new concept and new positioning conveyed by Xinhongqi instantly ignited the hopes of many viewers. From the release of the brand strategy in January to the launch of Hongqi H5 in April, and then to the debut of Hongqi HS7 in November, the pace of Xinhongqi’s progress was extremely brisk.

From a product perspective, the advent of Hongqi HS7 first enriched the product matrix of the New Hongqi brand, expanding the scale of product production and sales. At the same time, compared with the first model Hongqi H5 launched after the brand transformation, Hongqi HS7’s product positioning and technical level are more in line with the essence of the New Hongqi brand’s Chinese neo-noble refinement. There is no doubt that Hongqi HS7 is the best "spokesperson" of the New Hongqi brand at this stage, and the significance of the new car is also more profound.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

On the basis of adhering to the concept of "Chinese New Noble Exquisite" of the New Hongqi brand, the Hongqi HS7 integrates the design concept of "Shang · Zhi · Yi". The straight waterfall air intake grille is larger than the Hongqi H5 in size, echoing the new interpretation of the Hongqi vertical standard, showing the noble temperament, and also showing the symmetrical beauty of Chinese aesthetics. In addition to the majestic shape, the core of the Hongqi HS7 is also ready to impact the C-class SUV market.

The 3.0L V6TD engine independently developed by China FAW with the highest level in China will become the "heart" of Hongqi HS7, with a maximum power of 248kW and a peak torque of 445Nm. It matches the Aisin 8-speed automatic transmission. Hongqi HS7 already has the foundation of not losing to international brands in terms of core power technology. At the same time, in terms of vehicle interconnection performance, Hongqi HS7 is also worth looking forward to. Although no specific information has been disclosed at the auto show, on November 6, Xu Liuping, chairperson of China FAW, said in Wuzhen: "Hongqi has begun to layout in the fields of electrification, intelligent networking, and mobile travel, and has made substantial progress." For the family’s flagship SUV products at this stage, Hongqi HS7 will naturally become the best carrier of the new Hongqi brand’s intelligent technology.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

The "leapfrog" Hongqi HS7 has become a well-deserved masterpiece of Chinese SUV products in one fell swoop, and will also become a milestone worth remembering in China’s automotive industry at every node of exploring the higher-end market. With the ultimate quality, strong product force, deep brand connotation and intelligent "brain", Hongqi HS7 will surely become a breakthrough SUV product. Every step Hongqi HS7 takes in the market will powerfully drive the wheels of China’s automotive industry development. (Image source: FAW Hongqi)

Sailisi Smart Factory strives to increase production capacity and ensure delivery.

On December 1st, the robots were cooperating in an orderly way and laser welding was running at high speed in the Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District. On December 1st, the robots were cooperating in an orderly way and laser welding was running at high speed in the Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District.
On December 1st, the robots were cooperating in an orderly way and laser welding was running at high speed in the Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District. On December 1st, the robots were cooperating in an orderly way and laser welding was running at high speed in the Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District.
On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line. On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line.
On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line. On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line.
On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line. On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line.
On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line. On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line.

Less than 220 thousand, medium and large, luxury, four-wheel drive, performance cars! Test drive BYD Han DM

branch of academic or vocational studyTechnical cockpit, luxury materials

  As the flagship model in BYD’s product matrix at present, Hanche has set a new "ceiling" in China’s new energy vehicle market in terms of technology, user reputation and sales performance. From July 2020 to September 2021, BYD’s cumulative sales volume exceeded 120,000, and Han DM (parameter picture) was the champion of medium and large plug-in hybrid cars with a score of 33,200. A few days ago, BYD Han DM’s exploration tour came to Shenzhen. Through the test drive, we found that BYD Han DM can be said to be the most recommended "treasure" player among the 200,000-class models.

Oil+electricity, the price is more expensive?

  Before talking about products, we must talk about the price or value first. In our general understanding, the same grade of fuel vehicles will be cheaper than electric vehicles, while the plug-in hybrid vehicles will be more expensive because there are no fewer engines, gearboxes, fuel tanks, batteries, motors and electronic control systems. However, the two models of BYD Han DM are priced at 219,800 yuan and 239,800 yuan respectively, which are more expensive than the entry-level version of Han EV standard endurance version luxury model (209,800 yuan), and it is cheaper than other Han EV versions.

  According to the "landing price", the luxury version of the Chinese DM four-wheel drive performance model with tax exemption and vehicle and vessel tax reduction is actually lower than that of the Camry 2021 2.0S Fengshang Edition and the Accord 2022 1.5T+CVT Fantasy Night Premium Edition, but they are not comparable in size, configuration or performance. Therefore, in the face of a strong sense of value, it is not an insurmountable problem to choose independence or joint venture.

The flagship gas field is full, and the Dragon Face is highly recognizable.

  Han has been on the market for a year, and the chances of encountering it on the road are not low, so its appearance is believed that most people will not feel strange. Thanks to the length of nearly 5 meters and the wheelbase of 2.92 meters, as a medium and large car, it has a very good sense of gas field. Compared with the sense of futurity and technology of Chinese EV, Chinese DM pays more attention to the sense of strength and luxury, and the large-size air intake grille takes good care of the aesthetics of consumers who are used to the traditional fuel car modeling, giving people more intimacy.

  Han DM’s headlights do not adopt the slender design of Han EV, but the overall shape is still exquisite and sharp. In addition to the matrix LED beads, three blue-purple light sources are added for decoration, which shows that it is the design element of "Dragon Claw". As the saying goes, the entry is high, and the two models of Han DM come standard with automatic headlights, adaptive far and near light switching, steering auxiliary lighting, headlight delay closing and other functions, and the configuration level is really not low.

  The side and rear of the new car are the editors’ favorite angles, and the combination of low-lying+slender+large-slip back can be so coordinated, especially the bright black color scheme of the real car, which creates a sense of advanced beyond the "guide price". When dealing with the pictures, the friends around me are still discussing, and this texture is even a bit of Paramera.

  On a luxury car, there is no shortage of hidden doorknobs full of ritual. In fact, Han’s logo, wind guide slot, small side window and other details have spent a lot of thought, and many surprises are waiting for the owner to discover.

  As a four-wheel drive performance car that can break through 100 in 4.7 seconds, Han DM uses 19-inch multi-spoke wheels. Compared with the wheel hub shape, the 245/45 R19 tire from Ma brand MC6 series is obviously more brilliant. This sports tire emphasizes the grip and stability in dry and wet places, but the tire noise and comfort have not deteriorated.

  There are not many fancy designs at the tail of Han DM, but the duckling tail, penetrating taillights with "dragon claws" and other elements are just right. As a whole, straight lines are used to create a stable and full atmosphere. Although the hidden exhaust layout is adopted below, the visual effect is not bad at all. 4.7s is not as big as Han, which shows BYD’s confidence in Han. It’s really a tough guy.

  Byd Han’s interior was built by a former Mercedes-Benz S-class designer, and you can feel the sense of luxury from the moment you open the door. On the premise of keeping BYD’s familiar rotatable large screen and "Chinese buttons", China elements such as tower air conditioning air outlet and dragon heart gear shift lever are added to the car. The embracing cockpit creates a luxury car-like internal layout through stretched horizontal lines, and with high-grade materials such as wood decorative boards and brown leather, it brings strong grades and luxury.

  The two-piece multi-function steering wheel is designed with a flat bottom, which can give a high score regardless of the feel or the convenience of buttons. This car supports the adjustment of steering wheel strength, and it can provide a most suitable state whether it is leisurely walking or intense driving or male/female car owners rotating.

  The 12.3-inch LCD dashboard has been gradually popularized in BYD models, and the UI design and displayed data have basically maintained a high degree of family unity, and all functions can be operated by the buttons on the steering wheel. DiPilot driver assistance system includes intelligent navigation, lane assistance system, traffic sign recognition, predictive emergency braking system and other functions. The active and passive safety configuration has been several "positions" ahead of the joint venture model with the same price.

  Many BYD models below Han only provide a 12.8-inch rotatable central control panel, but Han’s body has increased to 15.6 inches, accounting for almost one-third of the entire center console, which is very shocking. As for the software, the new car has a built-in NFC car key and a third-generation DiLink intelligent networking system, which supports various voice interaction and networking functions, and the APP application store is very playable.

  In this large and medium-sized flagship car, there is no need to worry about any head space or leg space. The wide and thick seat is wrapped in Nappa calf leather with diamond grain, which not only has excellent touch and sitting feeling, but also has a luxurious texture visually. Of course, its front seats also support multi-directional electric adjustment and heating/ventilation functions, which can be perfectly handled in summer and winter.

  The back row of Han DM is also suitable for business reception scenes. In addition to the "boss key" in the co-pilot seat, panoramic sunroof, independently controllable air conditioner in the back row, generous armrest box, etc. can make passengers feel comfortable and enjoy the executive-class car.

High performance and low energy consumption, DM hybrid depends on independent research and development.

  The two models of Han DM have the same power configuration, both of which are equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 2.0T turbocharged engine and a motor. The 2.0T all-aluminum engine has a maximum power of 141kW and a maximum torque of 320N·m, and is responsible for driving the front axle with a 6-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox. The maximum power and torque of the rear motor are 180kW and 330N·m; respectively. The combined force of the two engines can output the maximum power of 321KW and the maximum torque of 650N·m, and it can break through 100 in 4.7 seconds. The comprehensive fuel consumption of NEDC is only 1.4L/ 100 km, and the minimum fuel consumption in state of charge is 5.9L/ 100 km. In terms of battery, its blade battery capacity is 15.2kWh and its pure battery life is 81 km.

  Hybrid vehicles do not simply use oil after running out of electricity, but need to intelligently manage the cooperation between motors and engines to further improve the fuel consumption and power of the whole vehicle. Fortunately, BYD’s DM technology platform is a technology in the hands of China car companies, which not only leads the world, but also derives DM-p (performance version) and DM-i (energy-saving version) to meet the more needs of different times and different users.

  Han DM is the product of dual-engine four-wheel drive architecture of DM-p platform, and it is also the only plug-in hybrid car equipped with four-wheel drive, with four driving modes: EV, HEV, ECO and SPORT. No matter when starting at a standstill or cruising at a high speed, when the full throttle is accelerating, a gentle "Vi" motor sounds in the ear, and the strong acceleration will directly press the body on the seat. Looking at the climbing of the speedometer and the scenery moving rapidly backward outside the window, I don’t want to put a million super-runs in my eyes. In the face of absolute acceleration ability, I can’t help but sigh that adding "electricity" is the future.

  Although the performance is very ambitious, road safety does not allow drivers to always drive like "chicken blood". It is more important whether this car has an excellent dynamic performance under normal driving conditions. Han DM is also very light in EV mode, and the motor is not castrated because of its identity as a hybrid vehicle. No matter starting, accelerating or changing lanes, it can do whatever it wants. The smooth and powerful acceleration with excellent sound insulation effect is no different from that of a pure electric vehicle. As a key point, the pure battery life of Han DM is basically the same as the actual driving distance, which is very rare for a medium-sized and large car with a high weight.

  In HEV hybrid mode, most of the low-speed working conditions of the vehicle will be dominated by motor output to reduce the overall energy consumption. In order to test the matching between the engine and the gearbox, we deliberately set the battery SOC to 70% to simulate the "power shortage" condition. The vibration and sound of this 2.0T engine are very low, so it is difficult to detect it without deliberately feeling it. When the speed is below 40/h, the shifting action of the gearbox will have an unobtrusive sense of handover. However, after the speed exceeds 50/h, until the high-speed cruising state, the engine and gearbox basically have no sense of existence.

  In fact, HEV intelligent hybrid mode driving is the simplest and most direct. The system will automatically control the output of the engine and the motor, and the connection between the power is also very smooth. Basically, only by staring at the screen can you know whether the power is provided by the motor or the engine. Even if it is used as a fuel vehicle without charging, the system will use kinetic energy recovery and excess engine power to charge the battery, so as to keep the vehicle "charged" and reduce the final fuel consumption. Under the comfortable chassis and good sound insulation "assist", the driving texture of Han DM shows the taste of high-end luxury cars.


  Engine+motor is not simply 1+1=2. As the flagship model of plug-in hybrid, Han DM has five advantages, such as license plate, cost performance, fuel consumption, performance and technology. In today’s environment where the penetration rate of charging piles is not high and the oil price is not low, even in cities without "double limits", PHEV models with strong power and no charging anxiety are obviously still the best choice.

How far is Cyrus, who is hugging Huawei’s thigh, far ahead? | Titanium Investment Research

Since its listing on September 12th, the M7 has been continuously concerned by the market, with orders reaching 15,000 vehicles on the first day of listing and more than 20,000 vehicles within five days of listing. The popularity of orders has caused the stock price to rise sharply recently. From September 14th to 18th, the company’s stock price achieved two boards in three days.

In fact, with the help of Huawei’s auto concept stocks, the company’s share price began to rise after the release of Huawei’s new machine. Since the release of Huawei’s new machine on August 29, the cumulative increase of the company’s share price has reached 56.02%, much higher than the 6.5% increase of the auto sector in the same period. In view of the recent large increase in the share price, the company issued an announcement on the evening of September 18 to remind investors to invest rationally.

However, in contrast to the company’s higher share price, the company has continued to lose money in recent years, and its profitability is not optimistic. In the first half of 2023, the company deducted 1.885 billion yuan from its net profit, down 9.96% year-on-year.

Celestial was originally a brand of Jin Kang New Energy, a new energy subsidiary of Xiaokang, and was renamed Celestial Automobile Co., Ltd. in May 2022, and then the abbreviation of Xiaokang Securities was changed to Celestial in August.

Xiaokang shares are well known to the outside world, mainly relying on mini-vans. In the early days, the company started with the production of springs, and then its business expanded to auto parts. In 2003, the company cooperated with Dongfeng and began to enter the field of automobile production. The main model was Dongfeng Xiaokang van. In 2012, the sales volume of mini-cars exceeded 1 million, and it was once called the three giants of China mini-cars with Wuling Hongguang and Changan Star.

From 2013 to 2016, the company’s fuel vehicle sales showed a slight decline as a whole. In 2017, with the substantial increase in SUV sales, the company’s fuel vehicle sales reached a high point, and then began to decline year by year, from 394,500 in 2017 to 225,200 in 2021, and the fuel vehicle sales in 2022 dropped sharply to 132,100.

The decline of fuel vehicle business made the company begin to shift its focus to new energy vehicles, but the road to transformation was not smooth. In July 2020, the annual sales volume of Celeste SF5 was only 732 vehicles, which was not accepted by the market.

In March, 2021, the company announced that it had reached a cooperative relationship with Huawei. Celestial Huawei Smart Select SF5 was equipped with Huawei electric drive and HiCar system. Through cooperation with Huawei, the sales volume of Celestial SF5 also increased significantly. From April to December, 2021, the cumulative sales volume of Celestial SF5 exceeded 8,500, and the company’s annual sales volume of new energy vehicles reached 41,400, up by 103.94% year-on-year.

The success of the cooperation with Huawei has also enabled the company to further bind Huawei. In December 2021, the company and Huawei jointly launched the AITO Jiejie brand. Huawei has deep participation in industrial design, quality control, intelligent cockpit and automatic driving, and is also responsible for Jiejie marketing and channels.

Thanks to Huawei’s all-round blessing, in 2022, the sales volume of M5 and M7 reached 75,000, becoming the fastest-growing brand of new energy vehicles. The annual sales volume of Celeste new energy vehicles also reached 135,100, up 226.33% year-on-year, and the sales volume exceeded that of fuel vehicles.

 In addition, through the cooperation with Huawei, the company’s share price has tripled in just a few months. When the company reached a cooperative relationship with Huawei in March 2021, the company’s share price was around 20 yuan, and by the end of June 2021, the share price was close to 80 yuan, with an increase of 300%.

Although relying on Huawei’s brand influence and technical strength, the sales of Celestial new energy vehicles have been greatly improved in a short period of time, but Huawei’s dominant position in the world brand has also made Celestial rely heavily on Huawei and lose more decision-making power. Traditional car companies such as Guangzhou Automobile refused to cooperate with Huawei in depth, and the main reason for using Huawei as a component manufacturer was that it was worried that it would lose its independent decision-making power.

On the other hand, apart from cooperating with Cyrus, Huawei is also cooperating with Chery, BAIC and other manufacturers, which will inevitably dilute the influence of Huawei brands on Cyrus. For example, the intelligent world S7, which Huawei cooperates with Chery, will first be equipped with the HarmonyOS 4.0 car system, which is earlier than the M9.

In fact, Celestial is also laying out its own independent brand of new energy vehicles. In March 2023, the company launched its own brand of Blue Power, and in the same month, it released its first model, Blue Power E5. In addition to Huawei HiCar system, BYD hybrid system was adopted as the core three power technologies, but only 1,944 vehicles were sold by the end of August, and the market performance was bleak.

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Zhuhai Extreme Krypton 001 drastically reduced its price! The highest discount is 37,000, and the car is sufficient.

In [car home Zhuhai Preferential Promotion Channel], you can enjoy a maximum discount of 37,000 yuan in Zhuhai area for the preferential activities being carried out now. The minimum starting price is 269,000 yuan. If you want to know more about the discount, you can click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

Extreme Krypton 001 is a futuristic luxury electric car. Its front face design is unique, with streamlined lines and simple shapes, showing a highly technical appearance style. The air intake grille adopts a closed design, which shows the identity of the electric vehicle. The overall style of the car body is fashionable and elegant, and the lines are smooth, which shows the style of luxury car, and at the same time, it is both dynamic and sporty, which is impressive. The front part of the car adopts a unique LED headlight design, which not only has a high degree of recognition, but also adds a sense of technology and futurity to the vehicle. The design of Krypton 001 is very modern, and it is a luxury electric car with both fashion and technology.

Extreme Krypton 001 is a pure electric car with unique appearance. Its body size is 4977*1999*1533, wheelbase (mm) is 3005, front tread (mm) is 1703 and rear tread (mm) is 1716. The side lines of the car body are smooth, the lines are simple and smooth, the outline lines are very smooth, and the car side lines are simple and smooth, showing the unique aesthetic feeling of Krypton 001. In terms of tires, Krypton 001 is equipped with 255/55 R19 front and rear tires, which has good grip and comfort. The wheel rim adopts multi-spoke design, which is fashionable and dynamic, adding a sporty atmosphere to the whole vehicle.

The interior design of Krypton 001 is fashionable and simple, with high-quality leather materials and exquisite craftsmanship, creating a high-grade and comfortable driving experience. The 15.05-inch central control screen size is equipped with advanced speech recognition control system, which can easily realize the operation of multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning functions. The electric up and down+front and rear adjustable steering wheel provides a more comfortable driving experience, and the front row is also equipped with a mobile phone wireless charging function. The front and rear rows are equipped with Type-C interfaces, which are convenient for connecting mobile phones and other devices. The main and auxiliary seats have a variety of adjustment methods, including front and rear, backrest, height, leg rest and lumbar support, which can meet the needs of different drivers and passengers. The front seats are also equipped with heating, ventilation and massage functions, providing a more comfortable driving experience. In addition, the second row seat of Krypton 001 can adjust the backrest, and the rear seat also supports proportional reclining, providing passengers with more space and flexibility. Generally speaking, the interior design of Krypton 001 pays attention to details and comfort, providing a comfortable, intelligent and pleasant driving environment for drivers and passengers.

The engine of Krypton 001 has a maximum power of 580kW and a maximum torque of 810N·m, which provides it with a strong power output.

From the evaluation of the owner of car home, we can see that he is deeply impressed by the appearance of Krypton 001. He described the appearance of Krypton 001 as fierce and fierce, and the front of the car was sharp, especially the toothpick-shaped lamp, which looked very fierce. This unique design style makes Krypton 001 unique in appearance and unforgettable. As an electric vehicle type, Kykrypton 001 not only fully considers fashion and dynamic elements in its design, but also fully shows the sense of power and technology of electric vehicles. Therefore, we can say that Krypton 001 is an excellent electric vehicle in appearance design.

The epidemic situation in Guangzhou is severe and complicated, and the source of some infections in Panyu District is unknown. Ukraine has begun to discuss the preconditions for opening negotiations w

[Looking at China]

The supreme leader presided over the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee meeting to listen to the report on the prevention and control of epidemic situation in COVID-19, study and deploy 20 measures to further optimize the prevention and control work.


天舟五号任务组织全区合练 具备发射条件





Recently, the asset management association of china Pension Business Committee held its second meeting in 2022 in Beijing through the combination of "online and offline". Relevant responsible comrades of the CSRC responded to the opinions and suggestions put forward by the industry on the scope of pension products, investment targets, investment services, valuation standards, etc., and said that the relevant preparations for personal pension accounts and investments are ready, and the directory of personal pension fund products and sales organizations will be released in the near future.

Personal pension financing industry platform completes technical launch.

The reporter learned from the Banking Financial Registration and Custody Center on the 10th that the personal pension financial management industry platform built by the Banking Financial Registration and Custody Center has recently completed the technical launch. This means that the basic technical facilities of the financial industry platform related to personal pension investment and wealth management products have been successfully built, supporting the full implementation of personal pension investment and wealth management business. (Xinhua News Agency)

National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC): Formulated and introduced special measures to relax market access through regional collaborative innovation in Pudong and Yangtze River Delta.

On November 10th, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Three-year Action Plan for Building a World-class Business Environment in the Yangtze River Delta". The plan proposes that by 2025, the resource elements in the Yangtze River Delta region will flow freely in an orderly manner, administrative barriers will be gradually eliminated, and a unified and open market system will be basically established. In addition, the plan mentioned that a more open, transparent, standardized and efficient market entry and exit mechanism should be improved. We will formulate special measures to relax market access through regional collaborative innovation in Pudong and the Yangtze River Delta.

The annual turnover of the 5th China International Import Expo(CIIE) was 73.52 billion US dollars.

On November 10th, the 5th China International Import Expo(CIIE) closed. In one year, the cumulative intentional turnover was US$ 73.52 billion, an increase of 3.9% over the previous session. The fifth China International Import Expo(CIIE) set a new high for the intentional turnover in China International Import Expo(CIIE) since 2018.

The epidemic situation in Guangzhou is severe and complicated, and the source of some infections in Panyu District is unknown.

On the afternoon of November 10th, Guangzhou Municipal Health and Health Commission reported that from 0: 00 to 24: 00 on November 9th, there were 2,555 new cases of Covid-19 native infection in Guangzhou. Recently, Panyu District has continuously reported new cases of infection in the society, with a long transmission chain, unknown sources of some infections, and the phenomenon of gathering in families and workplaces. Zhang Zhoubin, secretary of the Party Committee of Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that the epidemic situation in the city is still severe and complicated.

The 2022 Beijing Auto Show stopped.

On November 10th, beijing international automotive exhibition announced that, in view of the domestic epidemic prevention and control situation, all units of beijing international automotive exhibition Joint Exhibition decided to stop the plan of hosting the 17th beijing international automotive exhibition in 2022 after consultation with many parties, and the specific date will be announced separately.

Ningbo suspends inter-provincial tourism activities

On November 10th, the Office of the Leading Group for Epidemic Prevention and Control in COVID-19, Ningbo issued an announcement, informing that from 0: 00 on November 11th, the frequency of normalized nucleic acid detection for residents and other people in Ningbo will be adjusted from 72 hours to 48 hours. In addition, the announcement also requires strict control of gathering activities and the number and scale of meeting activities. Meeting activities with more than 50 people need to be reported to the local epidemic prevention and control office for approval. Suspend inter-provincial tourism activities.

[Looking overseas]

The voting results of the 2022 mid-term elections in the United States were announced one after another.

Up to now, according to NBC and other media reports, in the election of 435 seats in the House of Representatives, the Republican Party won 222 seats, more than half. In the Senate, statistics from many media show that among the 100 seats, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party won 49 and 48 seats respectively. In Georgia, it has been announced that the second round of Senate election will be held on December 6, because the votes of the candidates of both parties do not exceed 50%. (CCTV News)

The US consumer price index rose by 7.7% year-on-year in October.

On the 10th local time, data released by the US Department of Labor showed that the consumer price index (CPI) in October rose by 7.7% year-on-year, the smallest increase since January, down 0.5 percentage points from the previous value of 8.2%. In October, the CPI rose by 0.4% month-on-month after seasonal adjustment, which was lower than the expected value of 0.6%, which was the same as the previous value.

Russian Embassy in Indonesia: Putin will not attend the G20 summit.

On November 10th, local time, according to the Russian Embassy in Indonesia, Russian President Vladimir Putin will not attend the G20 summit. (CCTV News)

Russia plans to announce foreign food and energy supply measures at G20 summit.

On November 10th, local time, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that Russia plans to announce measures to supply food and energy to foreign markets at the G20 summit and its intention to strengthen cooperation with Turkey in the field of natural gas. (CCTV News)

Ukraine has begun to discuss the preconditions for opening negotiations with Russia.

According to RIA Novosti, on the 10th, local time, Podolyak, director adviser of the Ukrainian President’s Office, said that the Ukrainian President’s Office had begun to discuss the preconditions for opening negotiations with Russia. He said that Uzbekistan will identify those who accept the preconditions as the negotiating object. (CCTV)

The European Parliament voted for Croatia to join the Schengen area.

On November 10th, local time, the European Parliament voted by an absolute majority to support Croatia to join the Schengen area. At the same time, the European Parliament asked Croatia to ensure that the basic rights of the EU’s external borders are respected, and to inform the European Parliament and the European Council of specific measures on border management. The next step will be for the European Council to finally decide when to start opening the internal border to Croatia. (CCTV News)

The number of newborns in Japan in 2022 may be below 800,000 for the first time, 8 years ahead of the forecast.

According to a report by the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) on the 10th, the Japanese think tank "Japan Research Institute" predicts that the number of newborns in Japan will be about 770,000 in 2022. If this figure becomes a reality, it will be the first time that the number of newborns in Japan has fallen below 800,000 since statistics were available. According to the report, if the number of newborns is less than 800,000 this year, it will be eight years earlier than expected by the Japanese population research institute, which shows that the speed of declining birthrate in Japan is faster than expected. (China News Network)

[large company]

Huawei engineer: The deformation of A-pillar in M7 collision test is not equal to poor safety.

On the evening of November 9th, Weibo’s account @ Touch a Stone, which was certified as "Huawei Smart Car Solution Engineer", sent a message in response to the deformation of A-pillar in the M7 crash test of AITO. "Front 25% offset collision A-pillar deformation ≠ Poor security! There is also A-pillar deformation ≠ A-pillar is broken! " The engineer said that the deformation of the A-pillar was due to the safety optimization of the external structure of the vehicle. As the strongest part of the vehicle, the A-pillar had to bear and decompose the impact force of a large part to protect the cab.

Dong Mingzhu rumored that "successor" Meng Yutong was "fired", and the two people broadcast live on the same stage and attracted millions of onlookers.

On November 10th, Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong once again appeared on the same stage in the live broadcast room of "Pearl Feather Boy Selection" in Tik Tok. The live broadcast of them shattered the rumor that Meng Yutong left Gree, but Meng Yutong was no longer "Gree Viya" but returned to the role of Dong Mingzhu’s secretary. Dong Mingzhu joked that recently, Yu Tong was "hacked" on the Internet and was told that he was fired every day. You can rest assured that Yu Tong is growing every day. Meng Yutong echoed: "I’m still working in Gree." CBN noted that the live broadcast also attracted millions of onlookers, which triggered more than 100,000 praises in ten minutes.

[Nuggets Circle]

The three major US stock indexes closed up sharply, with the Nasdaq rising by over 7%, with semiconductors and software applications among the top gainers.

On November 11th, the three major US stock indexes collectively closed up sharply, with the Dow up 3.69%, the Nasdaq up 7.34% and the S&P 500 up 5.53%. Various sectors generally rose, with semiconductors and software applications among the top gainers. NVIDIA rose by over 14%, Amazon rose by over 12%, the biggest one-day increase since February 4, Apple and Microsoft rose by over 8%, and Google and Tesla rose by over 7%. Consumer electronics, nonferrous metals, automobile manufacturing, tourism and other sectors have gone up one after another, with Fiske rising more than 22%.

The institution bought these 13 shares yesterday and sold Lianhong Xinke 217 million yuan.

In the Dragon and Tiger List on November 10th, a total of 35 stocks appeared as institutions, 13 stocks were net bought by institutions, and 22 stocks were net sold by institutions. On that day, the top three stocks bought by institutions were Qiaoyuan, Sino Medical and Roman, with net purchases of 48.05 million yuan, 32.55 million yuan and 25.36 million yuan respectively. On that day, the top three stocks sold by institutions were Lianhong Xinke, Zhongsheng Pharmaceutical and Rongji Software, with net outflows of 217 million yuan, 145 million yuan and 88.2 million yuan respectively.

Northbound funds sold 757 million yuan yesterday, and Midea Group and Northern Rare Earth were added.

On November 10th, northbound funds sold a total of 757 million yuan, of which Shanghai Stock Connect sold 24.46 million yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect sold 733 million yuan. Among the top ten trading stocks, Midea Group, Northern Rare Earth and Ganfeng Lithium were the top three net buyers, with net purchases of 335 million yuan, 308 million yuan and 292 million yuan respectively. The top three net sales were Wuliangye, BYD and Changjiang Electric Power, with net sales of 630 million yuan, 519 million yuan and 267 million yuan respectively.

The concept of Web3.0 is on fire! What new opportunities does it bring?

Recently, the concept of Web3.0 has attracted much attention from the market. On November 10th, Web3.0 concept stocks set off a wave of daily limit. Tiandi Online won 8 boards in 10 days and 4 boards in Rongji Software. Some organizations believe that Web3.0 is in the early stage of development, and the construction of the underlying infrastructure is particularly important. It is recommended to pay attention to operators and distributed storage service providers that provide blockchain technology services.

MSCI: Incorporate China Zhongmian and Chow Tai Fook Jewelry into the Emerging Markets Index.

Morgan stanley capital international Corporation (MSCI) said that 83 stocks were added to the MSCI ACWI index and 78 stocks were removed from the index. The top three stocks listed in MSCI Emerging Markets Index include China Zhongmian, Chow Tai Fook Jewelry and Dimitris Group in Abu Dhabi.

"A wealth selection"

China’s tax structure is optimized again! The reform direction of major taxes such as individual tax is clearer.

China’s tax system reform is still going on, which is related to the establishment of a modern financial system, the realization of the country’s long-term stability and common prosperity. In the Party’s Report to the 20th CPC National Congress Tutorial Reader, Liu Kun, Minister of Finance, and Ning Jizhe, Deputy Director of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Economic Commission, all wrote articles about the optimization of tax structure, individual tax, value-added tax, real estate tax, consumption tax and other specific reform directions. China’s tax structure and related tax reform will be further clarified in the future.

Those who make sesame paste come to cross-border investment, and there are hidden concerns behind the fiery energy storage industry.

Since the beginning of this year, more than 20 listed companies that had nothing to do with energy storage have laid out new energy storage, including boilers, water conservancy enterprises, and even food and education industries. The upsurge of investing in energy storage industry is in full swing, but there are also hidden concerns behind it.

[Today’s notice]

8: 30-The third quarter results of SMIC in 2022 will be broadcast live.

9: 00-2022 Live broadcast of China inclusive finance International Forum.


Great Wall pickup trucks sold 21,251 Great Wall guns worldwide in June, with a cumulative sales volume of over 10,000 in 23 months.

  Recently, Great Wall pickup truck announced its sales data for June. Great Wall pickup trucks sold 21,251 units worldwide in June, up 18% year-on-year and 25% quarter-on-quarter. Among them, 5,132 units were sold overseas, up 49% from the previous month. From January to June, the global sales totaled 94,417 units. Great Wall Gun sold 14,674 units worldwide in June, up 46% year-on-year, with a cumulative sales volume of over 10,000 in 23 months, ranking first in pickup truck sales. From January to June, the Great Wall Gun sold 71,088 units worldwide, up 14% year-on-year.

  In May 2022, the 300,000th complete vehicle of the Great Wall Gun was officially rolled off the assembly line. From zero to 300,000, the Great Wall Gun took only two years and eight months, creating a new "Great Wall Gun Speed", becoming the first high-end pickup truck brand in China to break through 300,000 sets, setting a new industry record, leading the brand upward, and helping the category value of pickup trucks to jump.

The Great Wall pickup truck sold 21,251 Great Wall guns worldwide in June, and the cumulative sales in 23 months exceeded 10,000 copies of _fororder_image001.

The 300,000th complete vehicle of Great Wall Gun officially rolled off the assembly line.

  Diversified product layout helps the industry to move up with category innovation

  At present, a new wave of lifting the ban on pickup trucks is coming. In particular, the State Council has twice issued a document to support the relaxation of restrictions on pickup trucks entering cities and the formal implementation of General Technical Conditions for Multi-purpose Trucks. More and more cities have joined the lifting of the ban on pickup trucks, and the pickup truck market has a million-level expansion potential. Great Wall Gun insists on category innovation and redefines pickup truck. Pickup truck is a family universal car, a living car and a universal modified car. Seize the opportunity, Great Wall Gun will make full efforts to take advantage of leisure and fashion business, and the global product layout will achieve full lineup, full scene and full price coverage. The Great Wall Gun Fashion Products category focuses on building compact and medium-sized pickup trucks, and is committed to building a car of value and people’s livelihood for thousands of industries. In March, the fashion commercial pickup truck King Kong Gun was officially launched. With the five hard-core strengths of Fashion King Kong, Smart King Kong, Super King Kong, King Kong Quality and Ever-changing King Kong, together with users in the new era, we will jointly expand new formats, innovate businesses and help industrial upgrading.

Great Wall pickup trucks sold 21,251 Great Wall guns worldwide in June, and the cumulative sales in 23 months exceeded 10,000 _fororder_image002.

King kong cannon

  The passenger leisure category is based on the global intelligent professional off-road tank platform, covering medium-sized, large-sized and full-size pickup trucks in an all-round way, and is committed to meeting the diversified and personalized needs of users. In May, the trailer versions of passenger guns and commercial guns were officially launched, and they have the towing qualification of C6 driving, unlocking the life of pickup trucks in the whole scene. At present, the whole vehicle system of the Great Wall Gun has been equipped with trailer models. In June, 2022 Black Bomb was launched, and the chassis was newly developed and upgraded to meet the individual needs of off-road players.

Great Wall pickup trucks sold 21,251 Great Wall guns worldwide in June, and the cumulative sales in 23 months exceeded 10,000 _fororder_image003.


  Recently, the Great Wall Gun has two major categories, leisure and fashion business. The 2022 Black Bomb, Off-road Gun Trailer and King Kong Gun Flat-bottom Container have appeared at auto shows in Qilu and Chongqing successively, further enhancing the brand potential with a new look. As the leader of pickup trucks, Great Wall Gun constantly helps the industry to move up with category innovation. In June, Great Wall Gun, as a representative of pickup truck enterprises, participated in the seminar on promoting the development of pickup truck characteristic consumer market in 2022 (the third session). The association, friends and media jointly promoted the establishment of pickup truck branch to promote the prosperity and development of pickup truck market.

  Insist on users to create deep ploughing circles and create a full-scene pickup life.

  Great Wall Gun insists on creating user brands with users, and promotes pickup truck culture in China. During the Dragon Boat Festival, the third season of the Great Wall artillery survey of Mount Everest was held. More than 100 people gathered in Lhasa, and all the way through the complex weather test in the plateau area, they successfully arrived at Mount Everest base camp to pay tribute to the spirit of climbers. Since 2020, the Great Wall Gun has been measuring Everest for three consecutive years, and practiced the "climber spirit" with its own experience.

Great Wall pickup trucks sold 21,251 Great Wall guns worldwide in June, and the cumulative sales in 23 months exceeded 10,000 _fororder_image004.

Measure Everest activities

  Playing with users, Great Wall Gun also held the Mars artillery team crossing the sea channel, the first artillery conference and the desert cross-country challenge, and jointly created the 2022 Great Wall Gun Outdoor Sports Carnival with Tik Tok to jointly build the China pickup cultural base camp, making pickup a life, an attitude and a spirit.

Great Wall pickup trucks sold 21,251 Great Wall guns worldwide in June, and the cumulative sales in 23 months exceeded 10,000 _fororder_image005.

Desert challenge

  Great Wall Gun is not only the pioneer of new pickup truck category, but also the leader of pickup truck culture and the leader of users’ co-creation. Up to now, 31 provincial teams have been set up by the Firearms Association Cheyouhui, with 900,000 users of the Great Wall Gun APP, and six pickup colleges have been fully operated.

  Be a responsible corporate social citizen and help industrial upgrading.

  Empower thousands of industries and help industrial upgrading. Deeply link the tea format, and the Great Wall Cannon will create "a cannon tea together — — Explore the trip to the tea king, and set up a Great Wall artillery product co-creation base to promote the upgrading of the tea industry. Insight into the needs of drug dealers and drug farmers, Great Wall Gun launched the King Kong Gun Drug Dealer Edition to empower Chinese medicine practitioners and help upgrade the Chinese medicine industry. Great Wall Gun will join hands with users to create value and realize co-creation, sharing and win-win with users.

Great Wall pickup trucks sold 21,251 Great Wall guns worldwide in June, and the cumulative sales in 23 months exceeded 10,000 _fororder_image006.

Exploring the journey of tea king

  Great Wall Gun is more brave in corporate social responsibility, fighting epidemic situation, fighting floods, climbing Mount Everest and escorting national scientific research. Following the first batch of training camps at the end of 2021, in the first half of this year, the Great Wall Gun Public Welfare Rescue College organized the second training camp. At present, more than 80 users have graduated, which greatly improved the practical skills of public welfare rescue and empowered users to standardize public welfare rescue.

  The deepening of globalization has made China pickup trucks popular all over the world.

  At present, Great Wall Gun has been listed in more than 50 countries on four continents, and it has become the first China brand with five-star safety rating under the latest Australian ANCAP standard. Relying on the new positioning of Great Wall Motor, such as "global layout", "R&D investment", "enterprise transformation" and "user operation", Great Wall Gun adheres to global R&D, global manufacturing and global sharing to build a truly global car.

  The Great Wall Gun is also rooted in overseas local culture, helping the world’s top surfing events and Australian triathlon, escorting extreme sports, sharing a healthy life with global users, and letting global users experience the charm of China pickup culture.

  With the glory of 300,000 units, Great Wall Gun and global users create a new world of pickup trucks. In the future, Great Wall Gun will insist on category innovation and user co-creation, and represent China pickup truck brand in the global market to fight against the international mainstream brands, and the sword refers to the top three in the world, making China pickup truck popular all over the world. (Photo courtesy of Great Wall Motor)