The new policy of online car-hailing adopts market pricing to open up the trillion-dollar travel market space

  A few days ago, the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" (referred to as the "Guiding Opinions") and the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (referred to as the "Interim Measures") were officially issued. The "Interim Measures" became the first national-level online car-hailing regulations promulgated worldwide. The "Guiding Opinions" reform the system of cruise taxi operation rights and benefit distribution. Industry insiders said that after the online taxi is granted legal status, it will form a differentiated competition with cruise taxis, and the development will enter the fast lane. A huge travel market will gradually open up.

  Bottom line, keep it safe and fair

  On July 27, 2016, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the Cyberspace Administration of China jointly promulgated the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services.

  "The deep-seated contradictions that the taxi industry has accumulated for a long time have not been fundamentally resolved. The rapid development of new business formats such as online car-hailing has enriched the travel experience of the people, but also brought some new situations and new problems. The old and new contradictions are superimposed, and the situation is complex. Instability incidents in the industry occur from time to time, which seriously affects the healthy and sustainable development of the taxi industry and makes it difficult to meet the personalized travel needs of the people." Liu Xiaoming, vice-minister of transportation, said at a news conference held by the State Information Office.

  At present, China has become the world’s largest online car-hailing market, but many problems have been exposed during the development process. For example, the main body of responsibility is not clear, the safety of passengers and the rights and interests of drivers cannot be guaranteed, and the risk of personal information security leakage is relatively high.

  The price war and subsidy war between online ride-hailing platforms have not only disrupted the cruise taxi market, but also hindered the construction of a fair and orderly market environment. "We have not banned online ride-hailing, but have introduced the world’s first online ride-hailing regulations at the national level. By tailoring the regulatory model, we have given it legal status and supported its standardized development. This is also the first time we have defined private passenger car sharing at the national level. This clearly encourages and supports the way of travel that truly reflects the sharing economy, and provides a policy foundation for the development of ride-sharing services across the country," Liu Xiaoming said.

  "In the process of formulating the development of the new business model, everyone noticed that we clearly put people first, encourage innovation, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and control the bottom line. What bottom line to control? It is the safety of passengers and fair competition in the market," Liu Xiaoming said.

  The "Interim Measures" make requirements for operating platforms, drivers, and vehicles. Online ride-hailing platform companies shall obtain the corresponding "Online Reservation Taxi Business License", online ride-hailing vehicles shall obtain the "Online Reservation Taxi Transportation License", and drivers shall obtain the "Online Reservation Taxi Driver License".

  Compared with the exposure draft released in October last year, the "Interim Measures" have made many revisions and optimizations. For example, on the nature of the registration of online car-hailing vehicles. It is clear that the registration of online car-hailing vehicles as reserved taxi passengers reflects not only the nature of taxis, but also the characteristics of new business models.

  The Interim Measures stipulate that when the mileage of the online car reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped; when the mileage does not reach 600,000 kilometers but the service life reaches 8 years, it will withdraw from the online car business. Previously, it was required to be scrapped for 8 years.

  The Interim Measures clarify that online car-hailing platform companies and drivers should sign various forms of employment contracts or agreements with drivers according to the characteristics of working hours and service frequency, and clarify the rights and obligations of both parties. Previously, it was clear to sign an employment contract.

  New Deal, Execution Period Restrictions on Cruise Vehicle Operation Rights and Free Use

  On July 26, 2016, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry". The "Guiding Opinions" pointed out that it is necessary to clarify the positioning of taxis in the urban comprehensive transportation system, adhere to the priority development of public transportation, the appropriate development of taxis, and the overall development of cruise cars and online car-hailing to promote the gradual integration of the two business forms.

  The Guiding Opinions add restrictions on the operating period and free use of the operating right, and the operating entity may not be changed. If the existing operating right does not specify the specific operating period or has been used for compensation, the urban people’s government shall formulate a scientific transition plan, reasonably determine the operating period, gradually cancel the paid use fee, and go through the modification procedures in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated by laws and regulations, and shall not speculate or transfer without authorization.

  Encourage the integration and development of new and old business models through mergers and acquisitions. Build a business model in which enterprises and drivers share operational risks and interests are reasonably distributed. "To improve the benefit distribution system, we must use Internet technology to better build a business model in which enterprises and drivers share operational risks and interests are reasonably distributed, that is, there is no contract fee or quota system, but according to the operation situation, drivers and enterprises reasonably bear risks, share risks, and reasonably distribute benefits. If the contract method is still used, encourage the use of industry associations and trade unions to jointly negotiate to determine reasonable contract fees, and implement dynamic adjustments to protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers," Liu Xiaoming said.

  Liu Xiaoming said that the "Guiding Opinions" straighten out the price formation mechanism, because the traditional taxi freight is the implementation of government pricing or government guidance price, scientifically formulate and timely adjust the level and structure of taxi freight, establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for taxi freight, and give full play to the leverage of freight to adjust the supply and demand relationship in the taxi transportation market.

  In addition, the "Guiding Opinions" also encourage private passenger car sharing. The plan makes it clear that in order to promote the development of the sharing economy, facilitate the travel of the people, alleviate urban traffic congestion and reduce air pollution, the urban people’s government should encourage private passenger car sharing and formulate corresponding regulations, clarify the rights and obligations of the three parties, including the ride-sharing information service platform, the ride-sharing service provider and the ride-sharing person, and standardize its development.

  Prospects, the trillion-dollar travel market opens

  Although the "Interim Measures" put many restrictions on online car-hailing, the introduction of the document has received a positive response from online car-hailing platform companies. Didi Chuxing responded that the company will follow the requirements of the "Interim Measures" to standardize operations, actively apply for relevant business licenses of online car-hailing platform companies, and will also actively explore with relevant government departments and related enterprises in the travel industry to increase technological innovation, improve the utilization of transportation resources and urban traffic efficiency, improve travel experience, create more flexible employment opportunities for the society, and better provide safe, convenient and comfortable travel services for hundreds of millions of people.

  Uber responded that the introduction of the "Interim Measures" reflects the government’s recognition and support for the new business of online car-hailing, making our country the first country in the world’s major economies to promulgate such national regulations. Uber meets the relevant requirements of corporate legal persons, ICP licenses, database and server settings in the Chinese mainland, cyber security management and security protection technical measures required for the application of the "Booking Taxi Business License" in the Interim Measures. Uber will fully cooperate with cities to formulate corresponding implementation rules, and is confident that it will obtain the operation license issued by the local government as soon as possible.

  Shenzhou Special Car also expressed its welcome to the release of the document, and will continue to adhere to the B2C model of "professional vehicles and professional drivers" in strict accordance with the requirements of the online car-hailing regulatory policy, and continue to provide customers with safer and better travel services as always.

  According to a report released by Roland Berger, a well-known consulting firm, the size of China’s online car-hailing market will reach 500 billion yuan by 2020, and its addressable market demand will reach 1.10 trillion yuan. The huge market potential attracts all kinds of capital to compete in the field of online car-hailing.

  Since the beginning of this year, online car-hailing platform companies have set off a round of financing climax. At present, Didi Chuxing and Yidao are planning to go public, and Shenzhou special cars have been listed on the New Third Board, and they have been actively traded and increased significantly since their listing.

  Experts say that the net-hailing car has gained legal status, and the trillion-level travel market has been fully opened. In the future, when the four net-hailing platform companies share the super cake, the already heated market competition may further escalate.

  Reporter, Zhang Bin

Didi adjusts the carpooling rules and seeks profit space. If the online car-hailing cannot be fought, it will no longer enjoy "one price".

  Didi, which has been struggling to get back online for a long time, has turned its focus to the carpooling business. Since November 1, Didi has launched a new carpooling model in the Beijing area. Citizens who have not successfully carpooled will no longer enjoy the affordable "one price", but pay directly according to the real-time express price. This adjustment of the rules means that Didi will no longer provide subsidies to passengers who cannot carpool, but use price means to make more consumers accept the real carpooling business with a more shared nature.

  Passengers have to pay more if the order is unsuccessful

  Starting this month, when users open Didi’s taxi app, they will find that the first four options that appear on the software interface are express, simultaneous call, bicycle, and taxi. Click on the express option, select the destination, and a new "carpooling" interface will pop up. After checking, the carpooling pricing rules clearly state that "If you don’t get it, you will be priced in real time by express".

  "In the past, no matter whether you can fight it or not, it was’one price ‘, saving money and worry. Now you can’t pick up cheap." On the morning of November 1, Mr. Guo, a citizen who often takes a taxi from Jiandemen to Chaoyang Park, discovered this new rule. The "pick up cheap" in his mouth is mainly before Didi adjusted the new rules. When citizens choose to carpool on some non-popular routes and off-peak hours, the system sometimes fails to match the carpooling order on the way, and passengers can enjoy express travel alone, but still charge according to the one-price carpool.

  "The express train costs 37 or 38 yuan for the whole journey, and 25 yuan for carpooling can be done. Sometimes I can’t get on the bus alone, saving more than ten yuan. If I can’t get on the bus in the future, the cheap price of more than ten yuan will be gone!" Mr. Guo told reporters.

  Didi’s customer service staff explained that before the rules were adjusted, regardless of whether the carpooling was successful or not, as long as "carpooling" was selected when placing an order, regardless of whether there was a traffic jam or not, it would be settled at the discounted price at the time of placing the order. After the adjustment, the carpooling needed to be successful to enjoy the discounted price. "Someone nearby needs to send a carpooling order at the same time, and they have to stop by to get together. If there is no shared order, the carpooling will fail." The customer service said.

  The difficulty of carpooling has not been reduced, and the price is more affordable.

  The reporter interviewed a number of users and found that for passengers who successfully carpool after placing an order, the price of carpooling is not only cheaper than that of express trains, but also lower than that of previous carpooling prices.

  For example, the journey from Xiaoyueyuan in Lugou Bridge to Shougang Industrial Heritage Park is 14 kilometers, and the express train in the morning peak is close to 60 yuan. If the carpool is successful, the price will be 50 yuan, which is equivalent to about 15% off. After the rules are adjusted, the carpool price is about 34 yuan, which is 16 yuan cheaper than before. However, because there are multiple passengers paying the fare, the platform’s revenue will only increase.

  After the rules are adjusted, is it more difficult to carpool? Many users said that it still feels easier to place an order, and it is easier to get a car during long distances during off-peak hours, when users can enjoy affordable "one price".

  "I pulled seven carpooling orders this morning." Master Zhang, an express driver, said it was clear that the platform was sending more carpooling orders. He said that the number of carpooling orders was not related to the driver. "We just make money from the mileage, and the platform takes 25%."

  "It doesn’t affect us much, but it’s time-consuming to take more detours to find passengers, and it’s easy to cause disputes. It’s easier to pull the express train." Express driver Master Liu told reporters that drivers are usually reluctant to take on carpooling business.

  "The previous carpooling model’suffered a loss’ on the Didi platform." The driver, Master Jin, analyzed that whether it was spelled or not, the money given by the Didi platform was the amount of money from the departure point to the farthest destination. For example, if a passenger went from the News Building to Beiyuan, and a friend went from Chongwenmen to Datun, the fare given by the Didi platform to the driver was not the total amount of money for the two passengers, but the cost of the farthest distance from Chongwenmen to Beiyuan.

  He believes that if the driver did not fight before, he would not suffer a loss, and only earn a little less mileage, but the platform "advanced" the money that was not spelled. After this adjustment, if the spelling is made, the platform can earn an extra order money, and the driver is still paid by the number of kilometers, so the platform "earns more".

  Share into Didi’s profit breakthrough

  Didi carpooling was launched in December 2015. According to the data released in April last year, the average daily order of Didi carpooling has exceeded 2.40 million yuan, becoming a typical representative of the sharing economy in the transportation field. More than 50% of passengers are willing to accept carpooling.

  "The original intention of launching carpooling is to reduce users’ travel costs, reduce the rate of empty vehicles and improve travel efficiency by sharing seats in the car. This adjustment can better realize carpooling to share fares and reduce travel costs," Didi said.

  According to industry analysis, after the implementation of the new carpooling regulations, Didi’s subsidies for the carpooling business will be greatly reduced, the enthusiasm of passengers for carpooling will also be higher, and the platform revenue is expected to increase significantly. Previously, Hitch, which has significant sharing characteristics, was a rare profit bright spot for Didi other than the driving business, but in the face of huge safety risks, Didi Hitch has been hesitant to resume its online service. Under the pressure, the more controllable carpooling business is likely to become the focus of Didi’s business, in order to alleviate the problem of insufficient express capacity and high prices.

  Previously, Didi CEO Cheng Wei publicly stated, "We have not achieved profitability in six years. In the first half of 2018, the company’s overall net loss exceeded 4 billion yuan, and the entire online car-hailing industry was lossmaking."

  "As a representative enterprise of the sharing economy, Didi’s approach of adjusting its operating model to pursue profitability should be understood." Zhang Yi, CEO of iiMedia Consulting Group, said that only by following market laws to seek profitability can companies continue to improve user experience. He believes that for the travel market, Didi is different from the traditional taxi industry. The sharing concept of carpooling can better improve idle seat resources, but the platform also needs to ensure a safe operation system to allow carpooling passengers to have a better experience. (Reporter, Pan Fuda)

2008 Moved Chinese Candidate – Andy Lau

Andy Lau endorses the Paralympic Games

    Andy Lau (a star who actively promotes the Paralympic Games, the unique scenery at the Paralympic Games)

    Male, born in 1961, 47 years old, image ambassador for the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games.

    During the 2008 Olympic Games, he advocated for all the stars in the entertainment industry to welcome and pay attention to the Olympic Games together. From the torch relay to the Olympic closing ceremony, he sang. He did what a Chinese should do, and he threw himself into everything he did. Therefore, he became a role model for everyone.

    When the Olympic Games ended, Andy Lau kept reminding everyone that there was more to be done at the Paralympic Games. Therefore, when Andy Lau promoted the Paralympic Games in various places, he had to explain the wonders of the Paralympic Games to everyone, hoping that everyone would pay attention to the Paralympic Games at the same time as the Olympic Games. Therefore, Andy Lau always wanted to cheer for the athletes without disturbing them. Under the prompt arrangement of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation, as soon as Andy finished his performance at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, he set off for the Paralympic Training Center in Shunyi, Beijing the next morning. The people at the center allowed Andy Lau to visit 10 practices for disabled athletes.

    For an appointment four years ago, Andy Lau cancelled all other activities and showed up at the "Water Cube" as scheduled to watch He Junquan’s game. He also kept clapping his hands for his friends.

    But it is precisely because of Andy Lau’s actions at the Olympic Games that we have seen the real star effect. And it is because of him that he has become another sight during the Olympic Games!

Editor in charge: Zhang Tuoya

Reporter experience doing chauffeur for two months: chauffeur is really not easy

  With the country’s strict investigation of drunk driving accidents in recent years, the chauffeur industry has become hot, especially the emerging Internet chauffeur platform is more popular among users, but there are also many users who are not completely at ease with the ability of the chauffeur. The reporter recently spent two months deep into the country’s largest Internet chauffeur platform, starting from an ordinary chauffeur, and went through multiple tests such as recruitment exams, driver training, and actual chauffeur processes. It is not easy to find that it is not easy to be a chauffeur.

  The driving test is more difficult than the driver’s license test

  At present, Internet driving is popular as a freelance profession. If you have nothing to do, you can come out to earn some money to supplement your family. If you have something to do, you can leave work at any time. The reporter searched for the keyword "driving" on Baidu and found that e-driving is the earliest Internet driving platform established, and it is also more formal and reliable. Therefore, he decided to "undercover" the platform to experience the driving process. The reporter himself has 8 years of driving experience and meets the requirements of at least 5 years of driving experience required by the platform, so he registered through the e-driving official website on March 23, and then took a preliminary test online. To be honest, this test is a bit "too complicated". It mainly assesses driving skills and some application scenario logic questions. A total of hundreds of test questions need to be answered, which is more difficult than the car test back then.

  Then, after three days of waiting, the reporter finally waited for the interview notice, and went to the e-driver Beijing branch full of excitement. He saw that many of the driver masters who came to interview were waiting for the interview number. During the interview, the branch manager was like a confidant brother, telling me about the problems that may be encountered in the driver, so I should be mentally prepared. The general meaning is: "We are in the service industry, because our industry is relatively special, the customers we face are sometimes irrational, and we must do our own service well." After that, we also talked a lot about business-level knowledge, as well as the software application of the smartphone APP client.

  Since the reporter himself was rather talkative in the interview and performed fairly steadily, the branch manager agreed to let me enter the next stage of the road test, which was located near the company. The road test was mainly taken by an examiner from a professional driving school. The test simulated the scene of a driving school. There was a feeling of taking a driver’s license test, and there was also a road test. The examiner held a scorer in his hand and scored at any time. I secretly consulted, and he said that only if he achieved excellent results in both the manual transmission and the automatic transmission assessment could he have the opportunity to become a cooperative driving master of the e-driving platform. Fortunately, in the end, he passed the relevant test and became a "certified" driving master.

  In general, e-chauffeur has strict requirements for recruiting chauffeur masters, giving people the feeling of "devil-like" assessment. Correspondingly, its chauffeur service requirements are to provide "angel-like" services. Drivers have many years of driving experience alone, and they also need to meet many services in the customer’s chauffeur process. According to the examiner, all chauffeur masters in the platform regularly participate in the company’s internal "chauffeur star" training to improve work skills and Client Server awareness.

  The first driving experience

  On the first day of the reporter’s post, he experienced his first driving job in Beijing. That day, he happened to encounter a couple in Sanlitun who drank too much, and the two were arguing. After getting on the bus, I asked them where they were going. The male customer said: "Go to the second ring road first," and then drive around the second ring road. During the driving process, the male customer repeatedly said that I was driving slowly, hurry up, hurry up! The female customer said that you are driving too fast, can you drive slower? The reporter suddenly realized that the driving is so difficult, but I remember that the branch manager said to me during the interview. During the driving process, "I only look at the road ahead and don’t smell the things outside the window." I still smiled and asked, "Where are you going? We can’t keep walking around the Second Ring Road. "In the end, the customer still told me the location, and after the driving was completed, the female customer got off the car and apologized to me repeatedly. The work covered a total of 14.6 kilometers and collected 59 yuan for the driving fee, which can be regarded as a small income.

  Service-heavy details will be recognized

  On April 24, the reporter discussed his experience with a "colleague" at the entrance of a restaurant in the evening. Master Liu, a 48-year-old driver with 21 years of driving experience, told the reporter: "I have been driving for more than 2 years. It turned out to be a taxi driver. Now I feel that it is not easy to be a driver. I remember once a customer drank too much and vomited on the door. I bought him a bottle of mineral water. After the customer drank half of it, I got out of the car and wiped the car with the other half of the water for him. Not only did he get a tip that day, but he also got a good review the next day." After listening to him, the reporter immediately felt the importance of details in the service process.

  It is very likely that you are driving an "insider"

  According to Master Liu, in order to improve the chauffeur service, the e-chauffeur company has also established a "mysterious customer" department, which is mainly responsible for monitoring the service quality of the chauffeur from time to time, such as wearing work clothes and work cards, whether there are polite words after getting on the bus, checking the appearance of the vehicle, informing the current starting price and displaying the odometer throughout the process, whether it can be in place within 10 minutes, and how to deal with the customer’s discomfort. For example, if the customer says that he is uncomfortable, dizzy, headache, etc., will the chauffeur ignore it? In other words, the customer who appears in front of the chauffeur is likely to be an "insider", who is here to "secretly visit" your service quality.

  In order to standardize the driving habits of chauffeur drivers, e-chauffeur also refers to the national road traffic safety violations cumulative points system and sets up chauffeur points. The scoring period is 12 months, and each chauffeur driver has 12 points. The customer complaint linkage mechanism, according to the specific customer complaint content, deducts the chauffeur’s chauffeur points. For each chauffeur point deducted, the driver will face being blocked. Once the chauffeur points are deducted, the chauffeur platform will lift the cooperation with the driver. This also sets a yellow line and a red line for the driver master, so that everyone can abide by the rules and protect the driving safety of customers from the system.

  The threshold for regular driving companies is not low

  It is understood that in people’s traditional concept of traditional chauffeur is that a few drivers who can drive can establish a chauffeur company, and even personal behavior, printing a business card in a familiar hotel, claiming to be a chauffeur company, without going through rigorous exams, nor corresponding insurance protection. The survey found that the fees of this kind of chauffeur company generally start at 200 yuan, and the waiters have a cut, generally ranging from 50 to 80 yuan.

  With the popularity of smartphones in recent years, it has also given birth to an Internet-based driving platform such as e-driving, which has made this industry that previously seemed to have low barriers to entry more and more stringent. Through the reporter’s personal experience in the driving platform for two months, the current driving platform has greatly subverted the traditional driving industry from the way of managing drivers to the awareness of serving customers, so that the driving industry has a new development model. Now, through the driving service generated by e-driving, any problems will be dealt with by the corresponding person. For example, if there is a traffic accident, there will be a Client Server department to help the driving master communicate with the customer to deal with the solution. The company has purchased driving insurance for each master, and the maximum compensation can be 2 million yuan per transaction.

  At the same time, the reporter started work as a part-time driver around 7 o’clock every day during the past two months, and went home around 11 o’clock. The average monthly income can reach 6,000 yuan. It can be said that an ordinary master can earn a small amount of income in the driver platform to subsidize the family.

  Nowadays, it has become easier for users to find chauffeurs through the Internet, with more transparent prices and safer services. The future of the Internet chauffeur industry is promising.

The implementation of restrictions on car registration in many places involves violating the Administrative Licensing Law

  Our reporter, Wan Jing

  According to the "China Rule of Law Government Development Report (2016) " released by the Institute of Rule of Law Government of China University of Political Science and Law on April 8, as of December 28, 2016, a total of 19 localities have issued implementation measures or implementation rules for the management of online car-hailing services. However, only 3 localities have appeared in the form of government regulations, and the remaining 16 cities have issued other normative documents.

  The "Report" analysis points out that the implementation rules issued by local city governments have set high standards for online car-hailing platform companies, vehicles and drivers, stifling the development of online car-hailing, not only violating the relevant provisions of the Administrative Licensing Law, but also inconsistent with the basic characteristics and development laws of the sharing economy.

  Car registration is restricted to a common "standard"

  The "Report" disclosed that in 2016, the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Measures") was issued. As of December 28, 2016, researchers at Peking University found 19 local online ride-hailing service management implementation measures. Among them, Shanghai, Chongqing and Guangzhou have issued implementation measures in the form of local government regulations, and Hefei, Tianjin, Beijing, Anyang, Xiamen, Jinhua, Dalian, Luzhou, Zhoukou, Luohe, Pingdingshan, Hangzhou, Xinxiang, Ningbo, Nanping, Longyan and other 16 cities have issued implementation measures in the form of other normative documents. The implementation measures of 19 localities, based on the content of the Interim Measures, have more stringent regulations on the licensing conditions for vehicles and drivers engaged in online car-hailing services.

  Among them, the location of the vehicle’s registration is required to be the administrative area of the city, which has become the "standard" of local restrictions. In 19 cities, without exception, the location of the vehicle’s registration is the administrative area of the city as one of the conditions for engaging in online car-hailing services.

  And electric vehicle power. Of the 19 cities, 13 have regulations on the wheelbase, displacement or power, and battery life of vehicles. Only Anyang, Zhoukou, Pingdingshan, Xinxiang, Nanping, and Longyan have not made relevant regulations. Cities that have regulations on vehicle wheelbases, displacement, etc. generally set higher standards. For example, Shanghai requires a vehicle wheelbase of more than 2,600 mm, and Beijing stipulates the wheelbase and exhaust volume of vehicles at the same time: "The wheelbase of a 5-seat seater passenger car is not less than 2,650 mm (including new energy vehicles), and the exhaust volume is not less than 1.8 liters; the exhaust volume of a 7-seat passenger car is not less than 2.0 liters, and the wheelbase is not less than 3,000 mm."

  Many places have restrictions on the location of car owners

  Among the 19 cities, 10 cities explicitly require drivers to have the city’s household registration or residence permit. Among them, Shanghai, Chongqing, Beijing and Tianjin clearly stipulate that online car-hailing drivers should have the city’s household registration. Guangzhou, Hefei, Anyang, Xiamen, Dalian, Luzhou, Hangzhou and Ningbo stipulate that drivers must have the city’s household registration or residence permit.

  Guangzhou, Tianjin and Dalian three cities will junior high school graduation or above as one of the conditions for online ride-hailing drivers.

  Six cities – Anyang, Dalian, Luzhou, Zhoukou, Luohe and Xinxiang – regulate the age of ride-hailing drivers. Among them, Anyang stipulates that men should be under 60 years old and women under 55 years old. Dalian, Luzhou and Zhoukou stipulate that the age of ride-hailing drivers should be under 60 years old. Luohe and Xinxiang stipulate that the age of ride-hailing drivers should not exceed the national legal retirement age.

  The low level of normative documents makes it difficult to punish

  The "report" pointed out that from the implementation of the new policy of online car-hailing in Beijing for two months, the traffic management department has made little effort to investigate and punish non-Beijing drivers, non-Beijing vehicles and non-compliant wheelbases, exhaust volume and other standards. On the one hand, the new policy of online car-hailing in Beijing is made in the form of general normative documents. According to the provisions of the Administrative Penalty Law, it shall not set any administrative penalty measures. Therefore, even if the traffic management department finds that there is a violation of administrative regulations to provide online car-hailing services, it shall not impose any administrative penalties. On the other hand, the new policy of online car-hailing in Beijing has not been strictly implemented, which also reflects that this regulation is too harsh. Once strictly implemented, it will definitely lead to a sharp decrease in the number of online car-hailing in Beijing. As a result, city residents will once again fall into the situation of "difficult" and "expensive" taxis, and the "black cars" that have been banned for many years but have been greatly reduced due to the emergence of online car-hailing will make a large-scale comeback.

  The "Report" pointed out in this analysis that according to the requirements of the principle of proportionality, administrative organs should adopt means that minimize damage to the interests of the parties to achieve the administrative goals pursued. At the same time, administrative organs must measure the interests before implementing administrative actions, and can only be implemented when the benefits that may be obtained are greater than the benefits that may be damaged. And the local regulations on online car-hailing in Beijing and other places place too strict restrictions on car registration, household registration, model, etc., which violate the principle of proportionality in administrative law. In addition, the legislative norms of local online car-hailing also reflect the one-size-fits-all regulations oriented on regulation, which have been widely questioned by all sectors of society.

  Multiple measures violate the Administrative Licensing Law

  According to the analysis of the "Report", according to the provisions of the Administrative Licensing Law, normative documents have no right to set any kind of license. Among the 19 local regulations on online car-hailing, only Shanghai and Chongqing have issued implementation measures in the form of provincial government regulations in line with the provisions of the Administrative Licensing Law. Guangzhou has issued implementation measures in the form of local government regulations and other cities divided into districts have issued implementation measures in the form of normative documents. All violate the relevant provisions of the law.

  In addition, according to Article 15 (2) of the Administrative Licensing Law, "when establishing an administrative license, individuals or enterprises from other regions shall not be restricted from engaging in production, operation and provision of services in this region, and goods from other regions shall not be restricted from entering the market in this region." Therefore, restrictions on vehicle and driver household registration in Beijing and other places violate the principles of market fairness and openness stipulated in the Administrative Licensing Law.

  However, many local regulations require that the grade of online car-hailing must be higher than that of taxis or that the price must be 1.2 or even 1.5 times higher than that of taxis, which obviously violates the principle of fairness in establishing administrative licenses stipulated in Article 5 of the Administrative Licensing Law.

  The report points out that legal regulation of the sharing economy must first correct the purpose of regulation. Many countries propose legal regulation of the sharing economy to prevent the provision of irregular services and violations of consumer rights and interests, not simply because it does not comply with the provisions of legal systems such as licensing.

  The report argues that legal regulation of the sharing economy should focus on cooperation with online ride-hailing platform companies during and after the event, and make full use of big data to collect and analyze vehicle driving and passenger evaluation information to achieve comprehensive supervision of online ride-hailing safety and services.

Sailisi Smart Factory strives to increase production capacity and ensure delivery.

On December 1st, the robots were cooperating in an orderly way and laser welding was running at high speed in the Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District. On December 1st, the robots were cooperating in an orderly way and laser welding was running at high speed in the Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District.
On December 1st, the robots were cooperating in an orderly way and laser welding was running at high speed in the Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District. On December 1st, the robots were cooperating in an orderly way and laser welding was running at high speed in the Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District.
On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line. On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line.
On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line. On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line.
On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line. On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line.
On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line. On December 1st, the staff of Sailisi Automobile Smart Factory in Shapingba District were busy on the production line.