"Seventeen" exposes nostalgic trailer, Ren Xianqi meets Alyssa Alyssa 20 years later

Alyssa Alyssa

    1905 movie network news Youth Nostalgia Pure Love has been set to be released nationwide on October 30. Recently, the film’s producers released a trailer for the nostalgic version of the film. The released trailer, with the theme of "Remembering the 1980s," tells the story of the adult Lin Keming, played by Ren Xianqi, and the adult Wang Lei, played by Jia Jingwen, who meet again after two decades of separation. The unexpected encounter also triggered full memories of the young student days of the two.

    "Everyone will have a deep crush when they are 17 or 18 years old," Ren Xianqi, the star of the film, said in an interview. "Secret love is a very shocking thing, but at the same time, secret love is also the most willing to love someone. After many years, time may change a lot, but the original fiery heart may never change." "Seventeen" is directed by Zhou Gertai and stars Ren Xianqi, Jia Jingwen, Cheng Xi and Shi Zhitian.

Ren Xianqi


    In the "1980s" trailer released this time, Lin Keming’s pursuit of Wang Lei during his student days can be said to be "moving". Not only did he try every means to attract Wang Lei’s attention, but he also followed Wang Lei all the way home by bike after school. After being discovered by Wang Lei, Lin Keming, who was in a hurry, fell heavily to the ground because he quickly braked.


    It is reported that the film "Seventeen" tells a love story that spans three decades, showing the audience the truest thoughts of an unmarried man. It is reported that Jia Jingwen had a deep understanding of the film during the filming. She once said: "’Seventeen’ conveys an emotion that a person will meet the person they love and the person who loves them in their life. For the vast majority of men, there is only one woman whose status is unshakable, and that is the first love."