BAK Battery Deeply Layout Four Product Lines, Fully Empowering a Better Smart Life

Lithium batteries have the advantages of high energy density, smaller and lighter size, and long cycle life. They have been widely used in 3C electronic products, new energy vehicles, energy storage, smart home appliances and other fields. According to the data released by the market research agency EVTank, the total global shipment of lithium-ion batteries in 2023 was 1202.6 GWh, an increase of 25.6% year-on-year. Among them, the shipment of lithium-ion batteries in China reached 887.4 GWh in 2023, an increase of 34.3% year-on-year, and the development momentum is very rapid.

Shenzhen Bike Power Battery Co., Ltd., as one of the pioneers in the lithium battery industry, has always been at the forefront of the industry, and has carried out a multi-layered layout for different market needs and application scenarios, forming a highly competitive new generation of product matrix. At present, Bike Power has strongly opened up four product lines: large cylinder, small power, polymer, and energy storage. Lithium battery technology and product performance have both broken through, and comprehensively helped to upgrade the "core" of smart life.

BAK large cylindrical battery, promising

The large cylindrical battery has become the new favorite of the industry due to its comprehensive performance, outstanding safety and adaptability to different chemical systems, and is regarded as the breaking point of the second curve of electric vehicle development.

Since the release of the full-pole ear large cylindrical battery in early 2021, BAK Battery has continued to lead in the research and development and marketization of large cylindrical battery technology, gaining high attention from the industry. In terms of product layout, BAK Battery has adopted a two-line strategy, with two core large cylindrical battery product lines, focusing on high-performance high-nickel + high-efficiency silicon products and high-cost-effective lithium iron phosphate + silicon and sodium-ion battery products. The energy density of the representative first-generation product will be above 280Wh/kg, while supporting 4C fast charging. It has not only seized new opportunities in the industry, but also made full preparations for challenges.

BAK Small Power, Performance "Core" Upgrade

Under the development trend of miniaturization and convenience of intelligent end points, the penetration rate of cordless intelligent end points is getting higher and higher. On the basis of the application characteristics of small power scenarios and the higher requirements for batteries, BAK Power continues to promote the optimization and adjustment of small power batteries at four levels: material selection, battery design, safety assurance and customer application. It has six advantages: high energy density, long cycle life, high magnification, fast charging, strong temperature adaptability and high safety.

At present, BAK’s small power cylindrical battery products cover two series of 18650 and 21700. The capacity has not only increased from 2.5Ah of 18650 to 5.8Ah of 21700, but also the volume specific energy density has been greatly improved. Now it has been widely adopted by well-known customers such as Philips, Meituan, Hello Travel, Midea, and Xiaomi. In the beginning of 2024, BAK Power once again announced the mass production of N21700CH-58E high-capacity batteries. This blockbuster new product adopts high nickel + silicon anode system, and the capacity of single cells has "soared" to 5.8Ah, once again refreshing the performance ceiling of small power cylindrical batteries.

BAK Polymer, Open Smart "Core" Life

The 5G era makes life more and more intelligent. BAK battery polymer lithium-ion batteries provide long-lasting and reliable power for smart homes and smart lives.

From 20mAh products to 10000mAh products, all support fast charging and high-rate discharge, and the application scenarios cover sports bracelets, Bluetooth headphones, handheld printers, drones, power tools and portable vacuum cleaners, making a better life within reach with reliable power.

BAK Energy Storage for Efficient Clean Energy

In recent years, many governments in China have successively issued energy storage industry support policies, ushering in a new upsurge in the market. In order to promote the wide application of efficient and clean energy, BAK Power Energy Storage Battery adopts a modular design and is equipped with an intelligent battery management system (BMS). It has the advantages of small size, light weight, long life, high temperature resistance, and support for high current discharge. It is widely used in household energy storage, industrial and commercial energy storage, UPS energy storage, energy storage power stations on all sides of the power grid, communication energy storage and various customized power supplies.

The four major product lines of BAK Battery not only meet the needs of applications in many fields, but also inject surging impetus into the high-quality development of customer enterprises. On the hot lithium battery track, BAK Battery has fully deployed four product lines, deeply explored the "new path" of development, and created a "new highland" for the lithium battery industry.

In the finale of "Qingyu Nian", the second prince is the mastermind behind the scenes, leaving 6 big pits in the first season, do you know?

  "Qingyu Nian" finally ushered in the finale, and also boarded Weibo’s trending topic list. Although it has experienced a series of storms, it is undoubtedly still the most popular drama on the whole network.

  But after watching the first season, there must be many viewers who are confused, and the first season finale also makes people feel very rushed. So let the editor help you sort out what pits were left in the first season of "Qingyu Nian"?

  First, Emperor Qing played a big game of chess

  Qing Di and Chen Pingping, two old foxes, had been standing at the top, planning the whole situation and letting everyone in. But in Fan Xian’s game of chess, Qing Di was a chess player, and everything was to get the secret of the temple from Sean’s mouth. On the way to send Sean off, Chen Pingping removed the black cavalry for this purpose.

  Unexpectedly, when Sean passed away, everything was under the control of Emperor Qing and Chen Pingping, just to make Sean mistakenly think that Fan Xian was his descendant, and to inform Fan Xian of the temple’s affairs unsuspecting.

  Second, Fan Xian is the son of Emperor Qing

  When Sean died, he told Fan Xian that Ye Qingmei had married the current Emperor Qing and had given birth to a child for him. This way, Fan Xian would know his background.

  Is Yan Bingyun Sean’s grandson?

  Was he Yan Ruohai’s son or Sean’s grandson? Back then, Chen Pingping did not kill Sean’s grandson. Instead, she gave him a glimmer of hope.

  Then would Yan Bingyun know his background? Where would he go?

  Third, why does the prince always show his reckless image?

  The friends watching "Qing Yu Nian" were all confused by the prince’s character, and their IQ was sometimes online and sometimes offline. Fan Ruoruo said that everyone in Kyoto knew that the prince was ignorant and acted recklessly, but was the truth really like this?

  If he was really as cowardly and incompetent as the rumors, why did the cunning Emperor Qing keep letting him sit in the position of the crown prince?

  Fifth, the second prince is actually the mastermind behind the scenes?

  He had originally thought that the Second Prince was here to make a joke, but he had not thought that he was hiding so deeply. It turned out that he was also the person behind the First Princess.

  Did Yan Bingyun kill Fan Xian?

  At the end of the first season, Yan Bingyun killed Fan Xian, but he didn’t expect Yan Bingyun to betray him? The male lead didn’t survive the first season. In the original novel, Yan Bingyun also joined Fan Xian’s subordinates.

A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China’s automotive industry

International Online Auto Channel News (Huang): Although the popularity of the domestic SUV market has subsided since May this year, and even there has been a year-on-year decline for several consecutive months, at the 16th Guangzhou Auto Show, new SUVs still account for half of the country. Among the many new SUV models, China FAW Hongqi’s first high-end C-class SUV – HS7, with its detached product positioning and unparalleled brand influence, has become the star of this auto show.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

In recent years, independent brands have developed rapidly, and various brands have frequently launched products with higher positioning, and even high-end sub-brands have gradually emerged. However, the "infighting" of independent brands in the A-class and B-class markets is a norm that cannot be changed in a short period of time. There are both technical limitations and objective problems of relatively limited brand influence. In contrast, Hongqi HS7 is like a master who has completed "closed-door cultivation", and has the potential to "ascend to immortality" in the face of the more severe C-class luxury SUV market. The irreplaceable position of Hongqi brand in people’s hearts makes people look forward to Hongqi HS7 and helps China’s auto industry climb to a new peak.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

The debut of Hongqi HS7 not only means the launch of the brand’s new strategic models, but also a concentrated display of the results of the new Hongqi brand strategy announced nearly a year later. Competitive products directly target many high-end imported cars, and Hongqi HS7 has also become the beginning of the struggle of Chinese auto brands in higher-level markets. In January this year, the brand strategy of Xinhongqi was released in the Great Hall of the People. As the eldest son of the Republic and a symbolic brand of China’s automobile industry, the new concept and new positioning conveyed by Xinhongqi instantly ignited the hopes of many viewers. From the release of the brand strategy in January to the launch of Hongqi H5 in April, and then to the debut of Hongqi HS7 in November, the pace of Xinhongqi’s progress was extremely brisk.

From a product perspective, the advent of Hongqi HS7 first enriched the product matrix of the New Hongqi brand, expanding the scale of product production and sales. At the same time, compared with the first model Hongqi H5 launched after the brand transformation, Hongqi HS7’s product positioning and technical level are more in line with the essence of the New Hongqi brand’s Chinese neo-noble refinement. There is no doubt that Hongqi HS7 is the best "spokesperson" of the New Hongqi brand at this stage, and the significance of the new car is also more profound.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

On the basis of adhering to the concept of "Chinese New Noble Exquisite" of the New Hongqi brand, the Hongqi HS7 integrates the design concept of "Shang · Zhi · Yi". The straight waterfall air intake grille is larger than the Hongqi H5 in size, echoing the new interpretation of the Hongqi vertical standard, showing the noble temperament, and also showing the symmetrical beauty of Chinese aesthetics. In addition to the majestic shape, the core of the Hongqi HS7 is also ready to impact the C-class SUV market.

The 3.0L V6TD engine independently developed by China FAW with the highest level in China will become the "heart" of Hongqi HS7, with a maximum power of 248kW and a peak torque of 445Nm. It matches the Aisin 8-speed automatic transmission. Hongqi HS7 already has the foundation of not losing to international brands in terms of core power technology. At the same time, in terms of vehicle interconnection performance, Hongqi HS7 is also worth looking forward to. Although no specific information has been disclosed at the auto show, on November 6, Xu Liuping, chairperson of China FAW, said in Wuzhen: "Hongqi has begun to layout in the fields of electrification, intelligent networking, and mobile travel, and has made substantial progress." For the family’s flagship SUV products at this stage, Hongqi HS7 will naturally become the best carrier of the new Hongqi brand’s intelligent technology.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

The "leapfrog" Hongqi HS7 has become a well-deserved masterpiece of Chinese SUV products in one fell swoop, and will also become a milestone worth remembering in China’s automotive industry at every node of exploring the higher-end market. With the ultimate quality, strong product force, deep brand connotation and intelligent "brain", Hongqi HS7 will surely become a breakthrough SUV product. Every step Hongqi HS7 takes in the market will powerfully drive the wheels of China’s automotive industry development. (Image source: FAW Hongqi)

Didi adjusts the carpooling rules and seeks profit space. If the online car-hailing cannot be fought, it will no longer enjoy "one price".

  Didi, which has been struggling to get back online for a long time, has turned its focus to the carpooling business. Since November 1, Didi has launched a new carpooling model in the Beijing area. Citizens who have not successfully carpooled will no longer enjoy the affordable "one price", but pay directly according to the real-time express price. This adjustment of the rules means that Didi will no longer provide subsidies to passengers who cannot carpool, but use price means to make more consumers accept the real carpooling business with a more shared nature.

  Passengers have to pay more if the order is unsuccessful

  Starting this month, when users open Didi’s taxi app, they will find that the first four options that appear on the software interface are express, simultaneous call, bicycle, and taxi. Click on the express option, select the destination, and a new "carpooling" interface will pop up. After checking, the carpooling pricing rules clearly state that "If you don’t get it, you will be priced in real time by express".

  "In the past, no matter whether you can fight it or not, it was’one price ‘, saving money and worry. Now you can’t pick up cheap." On the morning of November 1, Mr. Guo, a citizen who often takes a taxi from Jiandemen to Chaoyang Park, discovered this new rule. The "pick up cheap" in his mouth is mainly before Didi adjusted the new rules. When citizens choose to carpool on some non-popular routes and off-peak hours, the system sometimes fails to match the carpooling order on the way, and passengers can enjoy express travel alone, but still charge according to the one-price carpool.

  "The express train costs 37 or 38 yuan for the whole journey, and 25 yuan for carpooling can be done. Sometimes I can’t get on the bus alone, saving more than ten yuan. If I can’t get on the bus in the future, the cheap price of more than ten yuan will be gone!" Mr. Guo told reporters.

  Didi’s customer service staff explained that before the rules were adjusted, regardless of whether the carpooling was successful or not, as long as "carpooling" was selected when placing an order, regardless of whether there was a traffic jam or not, it would be settled at the discounted price at the time of placing the order. After the adjustment, the carpooling needed to be successful to enjoy the discounted price. "Someone nearby needs to send a carpooling order at the same time, and they have to stop by to get together. If there is no shared order, the carpooling will fail." The customer service said.

  The difficulty of carpooling has not been reduced, and the price is more affordable.

  The reporter interviewed a number of users and found that for passengers who successfully carpool after placing an order, the price of carpooling is not only cheaper than that of express trains, but also lower than that of previous carpooling prices.

  For example, the journey from Xiaoyueyuan in Lugou Bridge to Shougang Industrial Heritage Park is 14 kilometers, and the express train in the morning peak is close to 60 yuan. If the carpool is successful, the price will be 50 yuan, which is equivalent to about 15% off. After the rules are adjusted, the carpool price is about 34 yuan, which is 16 yuan cheaper than before. However, because there are multiple passengers paying the fare, the platform’s revenue will only increase.

  After the rules are adjusted, is it more difficult to carpool? Many users said that it still feels easier to place an order, and it is easier to get a car during long distances during off-peak hours, when users can enjoy affordable "one price".

  "I pulled seven carpooling orders this morning." Master Zhang, an express driver, said it was clear that the platform was sending more carpooling orders. He said that the number of carpooling orders was not related to the driver. "We just make money from the mileage, and the platform takes 25%."

  "It doesn’t affect us much, but it’s time-consuming to take more detours to find passengers, and it’s easy to cause disputes. It’s easier to pull the express train." Express driver Master Liu told reporters that drivers are usually reluctant to take on carpooling business.

  "The previous carpooling model’suffered a loss’ on the Didi platform." The driver, Master Jin, analyzed that whether it was spelled or not, the money given by the Didi platform was the amount of money from the departure point to the farthest destination. For example, if a passenger went from the News Building to Beiyuan, and a friend went from Chongwenmen to Datun, the fare given by the Didi platform to the driver was not the total amount of money for the two passengers, but the cost of the farthest distance from Chongwenmen to Beiyuan.

  He believes that if the driver did not fight before, he would not suffer a loss, and only earn a little less mileage, but the platform "advanced" the money that was not spelled. After this adjustment, if the spelling is made, the platform can earn an extra order money, and the driver is still paid by the number of kilometers, so the platform "earns more".

  Share into Didi’s profit breakthrough

  Didi carpooling was launched in December 2015. According to the data released in April last year, the average daily order of Didi carpooling has exceeded 2.40 million yuan, becoming a typical representative of the sharing economy in the transportation field. More than 50% of passengers are willing to accept carpooling.

  "The original intention of launching carpooling is to reduce users’ travel costs, reduce the rate of empty vehicles and improve travel efficiency by sharing seats in the car. This adjustment can better realize carpooling to share fares and reduce travel costs," Didi said.

  According to industry analysis, after the implementation of the new carpooling regulations, Didi’s subsidies for the carpooling business will be greatly reduced, the enthusiasm of passengers for carpooling will also be higher, and the platform revenue is expected to increase significantly. Previously, Hitch, which has significant sharing characteristics, was a rare profit bright spot for Didi other than the driving business, but in the face of huge safety risks, Didi Hitch has been hesitant to resume its online service. Under the pressure, the more controllable carpooling business is likely to become the focus of Didi’s business, in order to alleviate the problem of insufficient express capacity and high prices.

  Previously, Didi CEO Cheng Wei publicly stated, "We have not achieved profitability in six years. In the first half of 2018, the company’s overall net loss exceeded 4 billion yuan, and the entire online car-hailing industry was lossmaking."

  "As a representative enterprise of the sharing economy, Didi’s approach of adjusting its operating model to pursue profitability should be understood." Zhang Yi, CEO of iiMedia Consulting Group, said that only by following market laws to seek profitability can companies continue to improve user experience. He believes that for the travel market, Didi is different from the traditional taxi industry. The sharing concept of carpooling can better improve idle seat resources, but the platform also needs to ensure a safe operation system to allow carpooling passengers to have a better experience. (Reporter, Pan Fuda)

2008 Moved Chinese Candidate – Andy Lau

Andy Lau endorses the Paralympic Games

    Andy Lau (a star who actively promotes the Paralympic Games, the unique scenery at the Paralympic Games)

    Male, born in 1961, 47 years old, image ambassador for the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games.

    During the 2008 Olympic Games, he advocated for all the stars in the entertainment industry to welcome and pay attention to the Olympic Games together. From the torch relay to the Olympic closing ceremony, he sang. He did what a Chinese should do, and he threw himself into everything he did. Therefore, he became a role model for everyone.

    When the Olympic Games ended, Andy Lau kept reminding everyone that there was more to be done at the Paralympic Games. Therefore, when Andy Lau promoted the Paralympic Games in various places, he had to explain the wonders of the Paralympic Games to everyone, hoping that everyone would pay attention to the Paralympic Games at the same time as the Olympic Games. Therefore, Andy Lau always wanted to cheer for the athletes without disturbing them. Under the prompt arrangement of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation, as soon as Andy finished his performance at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, he set off for the Paralympic Training Center in Shunyi, Beijing the next morning. The people at the center allowed Andy Lau to visit 10 practices for disabled athletes.

    For an appointment four years ago, Andy Lau cancelled all other activities and showed up at the "Water Cube" as scheduled to watch He Junquan’s game. He also kept clapping his hands for his friends.

    But it is precisely because of Andy Lau’s actions at the Olympic Games that we have seen the real star effect. And it is because of him that he has become another sight during the Olympic Games!

Editor in charge: Zhang Tuoya

Reporter experience doing chauffeur for two months: chauffeur is really not easy

  With the country’s strict investigation of drunk driving accidents in recent years, the chauffeur industry has become hot, especially the emerging Internet chauffeur platform is more popular among users, but there are also many users who are not completely at ease with the ability of the chauffeur. The reporter recently spent two months deep into the country’s largest Internet chauffeur platform, starting from an ordinary chauffeur, and went through multiple tests such as recruitment exams, driver training, and actual chauffeur processes. It is not easy to find that it is not easy to be a chauffeur.

  The driving test is more difficult than the driver’s license test

  At present, Internet driving is popular as a freelance profession. If you have nothing to do, you can come out to earn some money to supplement your family. If you have something to do, you can leave work at any time. The reporter searched for the keyword "driving" on Baidu and found that e-driving is the earliest Internet driving platform established, and it is also more formal and reliable. Therefore, he decided to "undercover" the platform to experience the driving process. The reporter himself has 8 years of driving experience and meets the requirements of at least 5 years of driving experience required by the platform, so he registered through the e-driving official website on March 23, and then took a preliminary test online. To be honest, this test is a bit "too complicated". It mainly assesses driving skills and some application scenario logic questions. A total of hundreds of test questions need to be answered, which is more difficult than the car test back then.

  Then, after three days of waiting, the reporter finally waited for the interview notice, and went to the e-driver Beijing branch full of excitement. He saw that many of the driver masters who came to interview were waiting for the interview number. During the interview, the branch manager was like a confidant brother, telling me about the problems that may be encountered in the driver, so I should be mentally prepared. The general meaning is: "We are in the service industry, because our industry is relatively special, the customers we face are sometimes irrational, and we must do our own service well." After that, we also talked a lot about business-level knowledge, as well as the software application of the smartphone APP client.

  Since the reporter himself was rather talkative in the interview and performed fairly steadily, the branch manager agreed to let me enter the next stage of the road test, which was located near the company. The road test was mainly taken by an examiner from a professional driving school. The test simulated the scene of a driving school. There was a feeling of taking a driver’s license test, and there was also a road test. The examiner held a scorer in his hand and scored at any time. I secretly consulted, and he said that only if he achieved excellent results in both the manual transmission and the automatic transmission assessment could he have the opportunity to become a cooperative driving master of the e-driving platform. Fortunately, in the end, he passed the relevant test and became a "certified" driving master.

  In general, e-chauffeur has strict requirements for recruiting chauffeur masters, giving people the feeling of "devil-like" assessment. Correspondingly, its chauffeur service requirements are to provide "angel-like" services. Drivers have many years of driving experience alone, and they also need to meet many services in the customer’s chauffeur process. According to the examiner, all chauffeur masters in the platform regularly participate in the company’s internal "chauffeur star" training to improve work skills and Client Server awareness.

  The first driving experience

  On the first day of the reporter’s post, he experienced his first driving job in Beijing. That day, he happened to encounter a couple in Sanlitun who drank too much, and the two were arguing. After getting on the bus, I asked them where they were going. The male customer said: "Go to the second ring road first," and then drive around the second ring road. During the driving process, the male customer repeatedly said that I was driving slowly, hurry up, hurry up! The female customer said that you are driving too fast, can you drive slower? The reporter suddenly realized that the driving is so difficult, but I remember that the branch manager said to me during the interview. During the driving process, "I only look at the road ahead and don’t smell the things outside the window." I still smiled and asked, "Where are you going? We can’t keep walking around the Second Ring Road. "In the end, the customer still told me the location, and after the driving was completed, the female customer got off the car and apologized to me repeatedly. The work covered a total of 14.6 kilometers and collected 59 yuan for the driving fee, which can be regarded as a small income.

  Service-heavy details will be recognized

  On April 24, the reporter discussed his experience with a "colleague" at the entrance of a restaurant in the evening. Master Liu, a 48-year-old driver with 21 years of driving experience, told the reporter: "I have been driving for more than 2 years. It turned out to be a taxi driver. Now I feel that it is not easy to be a driver. I remember once a customer drank too much and vomited on the door. I bought him a bottle of mineral water. After the customer drank half of it, I got out of the car and wiped the car with the other half of the water for him. Not only did he get a tip that day, but he also got a good review the next day." After listening to him, the reporter immediately felt the importance of details in the service process.

  It is very likely that you are driving an "insider"

  According to Master Liu, in order to improve the chauffeur service, the e-chauffeur company has also established a "mysterious customer" department, which is mainly responsible for monitoring the service quality of the chauffeur from time to time, such as wearing work clothes and work cards, whether there are polite words after getting on the bus, checking the appearance of the vehicle, informing the current starting price and displaying the odometer throughout the process, whether it can be in place within 10 minutes, and how to deal with the customer’s discomfort. For example, if the customer says that he is uncomfortable, dizzy, headache, etc., will the chauffeur ignore it? In other words, the customer who appears in front of the chauffeur is likely to be an "insider", who is here to "secretly visit" your service quality.

  In order to standardize the driving habits of chauffeur drivers, e-chauffeur also refers to the national road traffic safety violations cumulative points system and sets up chauffeur points. The scoring period is 12 months, and each chauffeur driver has 12 points. The customer complaint linkage mechanism, according to the specific customer complaint content, deducts the chauffeur’s chauffeur points. For each chauffeur point deducted, the driver will face being blocked. Once the chauffeur points are deducted, the chauffeur platform will lift the cooperation with the driver. This also sets a yellow line and a red line for the driver master, so that everyone can abide by the rules and protect the driving safety of customers from the system.

  The threshold for regular driving companies is not low

  It is understood that in people’s traditional concept of traditional chauffeur is that a few drivers who can drive can establish a chauffeur company, and even personal behavior, printing a business card in a familiar hotel, claiming to be a chauffeur company, without going through rigorous exams, nor corresponding insurance protection. The survey found that the fees of this kind of chauffeur company generally start at 200 yuan, and the waiters have a cut, generally ranging from 50 to 80 yuan.

  With the popularity of smartphones in recent years, it has also given birth to an Internet-based driving platform such as e-driving, which has made this industry that previously seemed to have low barriers to entry more and more stringent. Through the reporter’s personal experience in the driving platform for two months, the current driving platform has greatly subverted the traditional driving industry from the way of managing drivers to the awareness of serving customers, so that the driving industry has a new development model. Now, through the driving service generated by e-driving, any problems will be dealt with by the corresponding person. For example, if there is a traffic accident, there will be a Client Server department to help the driving master communicate with the customer to deal with the solution. The company has purchased driving insurance for each master, and the maximum compensation can be 2 million yuan per transaction.

  At the same time, the reporter started work as a part-time driver around 7 o’clock every day during the past two months, and went home around 11 o’clock. The average monthly income can reach 6,000 yuan. It can be said that an ordinary master can earn a small amount of income in the driver platform to subsidize the family.

  Nowadays, it has become easier for users to find chauffeurs through the Internet, with more transparent prices and safer services. The future of the Internet chauffeur industry is promising.

BYD Qin pro "broken shaft" incident, quality pit, BYD official statement, whose face is this?

Recently, rumors about "BYD’s new car broke its axle as soon as it was picked up" are flying all over the sky, accompanied by a group of photos of broken axles. It seems that the evidence is conclusive, which makes people believe it. For a main car that has just been listed, no matter which brand, such negative news is very "explosive", and there will definitely be countless pairs of eyeing eyes staring at you: just waiting for you to have an accident! Finally something happened, great!

What is the specific situation? It is said on the Internet that a gentleman went to the 4S shop to pick up a BYD Qin PRO during the National Day. Just one day later, the car didn’t even have a license plate. When driving to a certain section, the car suddenly had an accident. As can be seen from the circulated photos, Qin PRO’s car actually broke the axle, one side of the car tilted, and the rim looked like a ankle, which looked very funny. The occurrence of this incident made the owner very scared.

However, if you look closely at the news, you will find that it is very contradictory. There are actually two stories circulating on the Internet, the same picture, one is the owner of Guangdong, and the other is Mr. Meng from Anhui.

I don’t know, even some people from the media didn’t even figure out the basic car price. The 150,000+car was said to have been "bought for 90,000 yuan", and then they began to make up stories, just to attract attention and defraud the reading.

Xiaobian will give you a careful analysis. The picture is definitely true. Qin pro is really broken, but there are several details to say:

In the first detail, the pro logo is on the upper right corner of the rear of the production car, but the model with the broken axle in the photo does not. Anyone who has paid attention to Qin pro before knows that this is the characteristic of the test car.

The second detail, the wheel hub of the broken axle is different from that of the mass production car. The wheel hub of the broken axle is straight, but the wheel hub of the mass production car has obvious folding angle.

The third detail, the rearview mirror of the broken axle car is folded, which means that the car has been turned off and locked, indicating that the driver is not nearby. If it is really the owner, will the car be locked and left if it breaks down in the middle of the road? Obviously impossible.

Through the above three details, it can be basically confirmed that the broken axle car is a test car, not a mass production version. Some people will ask, what are we testing when the cars are on the market? Of course, we have to test it. Does it mean that the project of this car is over when the car goes on the market? Only companies that are not responsible for consumers will do this.

In order to give the public a truth, BYD officially voiced this matter for the first time, expounding the so-called "new car broken shaft" incident.

It can be seen from Guan Wei’s post that the accident vehicle is not a production model, but a test vehicle for testing, which is basically consistent with everyone’s previous inference.

Secondly, this car is not tested by BYD itself, but provided by BYD to Jiatong, a tire supplier, for tire wear test (Qin pro itself uses Michelin tires). This is a good answer to the question raised by some people, "Why are the cars still being tested?".

Thirdly, there is no so-called "broken axle" in this car, but the tire falls off because of frequent wheel replacement during the test, improper operation by the staff and irregular tire installation. The on-site investigation photos provided by BYD officials show that all five nuts on the right front wheel of the car in the incident have fallen off. According to the inspection, the transmission shaft, lower swing arm, steering knuckle and other parts of the car are in good condition, and there is no damage, and there is no so-called "broken shaft" problem.

For BYD’s response, in the face of external doubts, the investigation results and the truth of the incident were announced in time, indicating that BYD is full of confidence in this incident. In this way, the worries of the majority of riders were resolved in time, and at the same time, some people with ulterior motives were severely hit in the face.

As for whether the broken axle incident can reflect the quality problem, Xiao Bian dare not say that the broken axle of the test vehicle is a matter of course. After all, as a test vehicle, you don’t know how many kilometers it has driven before and what kind of collision it has experienced. Only the real owner has a say in the quality of the car.

2024 Beijing Auto Show: Looking forward to the official launch of U7.

  [car home new car debut] At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, (|) was officially unveiled. The new car is positioned as a large car, equipped with an easy four-way platform, driven by four motors, with a maximum power of 1306 HP, and its future price may reach one million.

Home of the car

Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

  Externally, the new car adopts a design language similar to looking up at U9, equipped with a very exaggerated C-shaped headlight group, with a far and near headlight group above it and a circle of LED strip around it. There are raised ribs on the hood of the engine, and the visual impact of the whole front is extremely strong. At first glance, it is a troublesome guy. In addition, there is a small bump on the roof, and the inside should be a laser radar.

Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  From the side of the car body, the new car is equipped with large-size wheels with low wind resistance. The car body lines are slender and smooth, and the overall appearance is relatively low. The front fender is equipped with a diversion groove design. The new car is designed with a hidden door handle, and a charging port can be seen at the left rear of the car body. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 5265/1998/1517mm and the wheelbase is 3160mm respectively.

Home of the car

Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

  From the rear of the car, the car uses a penetrating taillight, which looks full of technology and looks up at the LOGO in the middle. The multi-layer rear surround design below improves the layering of the rear of the car. According to the previous application information, the rear of the car will be equipped with an electric adjustable spoiler, a panoramic sunroof as standard, and a streaming rearview mirror.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  In terms of power, the car will be equipped with an easy square platform and four motors, each with a maximum power of 326 HP and a total power of 1306 HP. Although the new car has a curb weight of 3.095 tons, its top speed can still reach 270 km/h. (Compile/car home Yan Huan)

The epidemic situation in Guangzhou is severe and complicated, and the source of some infections in Panyu District is unknown. Ukraine has begun to discuss the preconditions for opening negotiations w

[Looking at China]

The supreme leader presided over the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee meeting to listen to the report on the prevention and control of epidemic situation in COVID-19, study and deploy 20 measures to further optimize the prevention and control work.


天舟五号任务组织全区合练 具备发射条件





Recently, the asset management association of china Pension Business Committee held its second meeting in 2022 in Beijing through the combination of "online and offline". Relevant responsible comrades of the CSRC responded to the opinions and suggestions put forward by the industry on the scope of pension products, investment targets, investment services, valuation standards, etc., and said that the relevant preparations for personal pension accounts and investments are ready, and the directory of personal pension fund products and sales organizations will be released in the near future.

Personal pension financing industry platform completes technical launch.

The reporter learned from the Banking Financial Registration and Custody Center on the 10th that the personal pension financial management industry platform built by the Banking Financial Registration and Custody Center has recently completed the technical launch. This means that the basic technical facilities of the financial industry platform related to personal pension investment and wealth management products have been successfully built, supporting the full implementation of personal pension investment and wealth management business. (Xinhua News Agency)

National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC): Formulated and introduced special measures to relax market access through regional collaborative innovation in Pudong and Yangtze River Delta.

On November 10th, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Three-year Action Plan for Building a World-class Business Environment in the Yangtze River Delta". The plan proposes that by 2025, the resource elements in the Yangtze River Delta region will flow freely in an orderly manner, administrative barriers will be gradually eliminated, and a unified and open market system will be basically established. In addition, the plan mentioned that a more open, transparent, standardized and efficient market entry and exit mechanism should be improved. We will formulate special measures to relax market access through regional collaborative innovation in Pudong and the Yangtze River Delta.

The annual turnover of the 5th China International Import Expo(CIIE) was 73.52 billion US dollars.

On November 10th, the 5th China International Import Expo(CIIE) closed. In one year, the cumulative intentional turnover was US$ 73.52 billion, an increase of 3.9% over the previous session. The fifth China International Import Expo(CIIE) set a new high for the intentional turnover in China International Import Expo(CIIE) since 2018.

The epidemic situation in Guangzhou is severe and complicated, and the source of some infections in Panyu District is unknown.

On the afternoon of November 10th, Guangzhou Municipal Health and Health Commission reported that from 0: 00 to 24: 00 on November 9th, there were 2,555 new cases of Covid-19 native infection in Guangzhou. Recently, Panyu District has continuously reported new cases of infection in the society, with a long transmission chain, unknown sources of some infections, and the phenomenon of gathering in families and workplaces. Zhang Zhoubin, secretary of the Party Committee of Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that the epidemic situation in the city is still severe and complicated.

The 2022 Beijing Auto Show stopped.

On November 10th, beijing international automotive exhibition announced that, in view of the domestic epidemic prevention and control situation, all units of beijing international automotive exhibition Joint Exhibition decided to stop the plan of hosting the 17th beijing international automotive exhibition in 2022 after consultation with many parties, and the specific date will be announced separately.

Ningbo suspends inter-provincial tourism activities

On November 10th, the Office of the Leading Group for Epidemic Prevention and Control in COVID-19, Ningbo issued an announcement, informing that from 0: 00 on November 11th, the frequency of normalized nucleic acid detection for residents and other people in Ningbo will be adjusted from 72 hours to 48 hours. In addition, the announcement also requires strict control of gathering activities and the number and scale of meeting activities. Meeting activities with more than 50 people need to be reported to the local epidemic prevention and control office for approval. Suspend inter-provincial tourism activities.

[Looking overseas]

The voting results of the 2022 mid-term elections in the United States were announced one after another.

Up to now, according to NBC and other media reports, in the election of 435 seats in the House of Representatives, the Republican Party won 222 seats, more than half. In the Senate, statistics from many media show that among the 100 seats, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party won 49 and 48 seats respectively. In Georgia, it has been announced that the second round of Senate election will be held on December 6, because the votes of the candidates of both parties do not exceed 50%. (CCTV News)

The US consumer price index rose by 7.7% year-on-year in October.

On the 10th local time, data released by the US Department of Labor showed that the consumer price index (CPI) in October rose by 7.7% year-on-year, the smallest increase since January, down 0.5 percentage points from the previous value of 8.2%. In October, the CPI rose by 0.4% month-on-month after seasonal adjustment, which was lower than the expected value of 0.6%, which was the same as the previous value.

Russian Embassy in Indonesia: Putin will not attend the G20 summit.

On November 10th, local time, according to the Russian Embassy in Indonesia, Russian President Vladimir Putin will not attend the G20 summit. (CCTV News)

Russia plans to announce foreign food and energy supply measures at G20 summit.

On November 10th, local time, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that Russia plans to announce measures to supply food and energy to foreign markets at the G20 summit and its intention to strengthen cooperation with Turkey in the field of natural gas. (CCTV News)

Ukraine has begun to discuss the preconditions for opening negotiations with Russia.

According to RIA Novosti, on the 10th, local time, Podolyak, director adviser of the Ukrainian President’s Office, said that the Ukrainian President’s Office had begun to discuss the preconditions for opening negotiations with Russia. He said that Uzbekistan will identify those who accept the preconditions as the negotiating object. (CCTV)

The European Parliament voted for Croatia to join the Schengen area.

On November 10th, local time, the European Parliament voted by an absolute majority to support Croatia to join the Schengen area. At the same time, the European Parliament asked Croatia to ensure that the basic rights of the EU’s external borders are respected, and to inform the European Parliament and the European Council of specific measures on border management. The next step will be for the European Council to finally decide when to start opening the internal border to Croatia. (CCTV News)

The number of newborns in Japan in 2022 may be below 800,000 for the first time, 8 years ahead of the forecast.

According to a report by the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) on the 10th, the Japanese think tank "Japan Research Institute" predicts that the number of newborns in Japan will be about 770,000 in 2022. If this figure becomes a reality, it will be the first time that the number of newborns in Japan has fallen below 800,000 since statistics were available. According to the report, if the number of newborns is less than 800,000 this year, it will be eight years earlier than expected by the Japanese population research institute, which shows that the speed of declining birthrate in Japan is faster than expected. (China News Network)

[large company]

Huawei engineer: The deformation of A-pillar in M7 collision test is not equal to poor safety.

On the evening of November 9th, Weibo’s account @ Touch a Stone, which was certified as "Huawei Smart Car Solution Engineer", sent a message in response to the deformation of A-pillar in the M7 crash test of AITO. "Front 25% offset collision A-pillar deformation ≠ Poor security! There is also A-pillar deformation ≠ A-pillar is broken! " The engineer said that the deformation of the A-pillar was due to the safety optimization of the external structure of the vehicle. As the strongest part of the vehicle, the A-pillar had to bear and decompose the impact force of a large part to protect the cab.

Dong Mingzhu rumored that "successor" Meng Yutong was "fired", and the two people broadcast live on the same stage and attracted millions of onlookers.

On November 10th, Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong once again appeared on the same stage in the live broadcast room of "Pearl Feather Boy Selection" in Tik Tok. The live broadcast of them shattered the rumor that Meng Yutong left Gree, but Meng Yutong was no longer "Gree Viya" but returned to the role of Dong Mingzhu’s secretary. Dong Mingzhu joked that recently, Yu Tong was "hacked" on the Internet and was told that he was fired every day. You can rest assured that Yu Tong is growing every day. Meng Yutong echoed: "I’m still working in Gree." CBN noted that the live broadcast also attracted millions of onlookers, which triggered more than 100,000 praises in ten minutes.

[Nuggets Circle]

The three major US stock indexes closed up sharply, with the Nasdaq rising by over 7%, with semiconductors and software applications among the top gainers.

On November 11th, the three major US stock indexes collectively closed up sharply, with the Dow up 3.69%, the Nasdaq up 7.34% and the S&P 500 up 5.53%. Various sectors generally rose, with semiconductors and software applications among the top gainers. NVIDIA rose by over 14%, Amazon rose by over 12%, the biggest one-day increase since February 4, Apple and Microsoft rose by over 8%, and Google and Tesla rose by over 7%. Consumer electronics, nonferrous metals, automobile manufacturing, tourism and other sectors have gone up one after another, with Fiske rising more than 22%.

The institution bought these 13 shares yesterday and sold Lianhong Xinke 217 million yuan.

In the Dragon and Tiger List on November 10th, a total of 35 stocks appeared as institutions, 13 stocks were net bought by institutions, and 22 stocks were net sold by institutions. On that day, the top three stocks bought by institutions were Qiaoyuan, Sino Medical and Roman, with net purchases of 48.05 million yuan, 32.55 million yuan and 25.36 million yuan respectively. On that day, the top three stocks sold by institutions were Lianhong Xinke, Zhongsheng Pharmaceutical and Rongji Software, with net outflows of 217 million yuan, 145 million yuan and 88.2 million yuan respectively.

Northbound funds sold 757 million yuan yesterday, and Midea Group and Northern Rare Earth were added.

On November 10th, northbound funds sold a total of 757 million yuan, of which Shanghai Stock Connect sold 24.46 million yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect sold 733 million yuan. Among the top ten trading stocks, Midea Group, Northern Rare Earth and Ganfeng Lithium were the top three net buyers, with net purchases of 335 million yuan, 308 million yuan and 292 million yuan respectively. The top three net sales were Wuliangye, BYD and Changjiang Electric Power, with net sales of 630 million yuan, 519 million yuan and 267 million yuan respectively.

The concept of Web3.0 is on fire! What new opportunities does it bring?

Recently, the concept of Web3.0 has attracted much attention from the market. On November 10th, Web3.0 concept stocks set off a wave of daily limit. Tiandi Online won 8 boards in 10 days and 4 boards in Rongji Software. Some organizations believe that Web3.0 is in the early stage of development, and the construction of the underlying infrastructure is particularly important. It is recommended to pay attention to operators and distributed storage service providers that provide blockchain technology services.

MSCI: Incorporate China Zhongmian and Chow Tai Fook Jewelry into the Emerging Markets Index.

Morgan stanley capital international Corporation (MSCI) said that 83 stocks were added to the MSCI ACWI index and 78 stocks were removed from the index. The top three stocks listed in MSCI Emerging Markets Index include China Zhongmian, Chow Tai Fook Jewelry and Dimitris Group in Abu Dhabi.

"A wealth selection"

China’s tax structure is optimized again! The reform direction of major taxes such as individual tax is clearer.

China’s tax system reform is still going on, which is related to the establishment of a modern financial system, the realization of the country’s long-term stability and common prosperity. In the Party’s Report to the 20th CPC National Congress Tutorial Reader, Liu Kun, Minister of Finance, and Ning Jizhe, Deputy Director of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Economic Commission, all wrote articles about the optimization of tax structure, individual tax, value-added tax, real estate tax, consumption tax and other specific reform directions. China’s tax structure and related tax reform will be further clarified in the future.

Those who make sesame paste come to cross-border investment, and there are hidden concerns behind the fiery energy storage industry.

Since the beginning of this year, more than 20 listed companies that had nothing to do with energy storage have laid out new energy storage, including boilers, water conservancy enterprises, and even food and education industries. The upsurge of investing in energy storage industry is in full swing, but there are also hidden concerns behind it.

[Today’s notice]

8: 30-The third quarter results of SMIC in 2022 will be broadcast live.

9: 00-2022 Live broadcast of China inclusive finance International Forum.


Challenge the 72-turn road, and take advantage of the N7′ s Yunnian -A and smart chassis.

Can Tengshi N7 be bought? Which configuration is better? When is it more worthwhile to start?

After watching Tengshi N7 challenge the North 72 turn, Xiao Bian came to the conclusion that:Tengshi N7 is definitely a good car.

First, Tengshi N7′ s three-electricity system is ahead enough!

Tengshi N7 is built with the pure electric architecture of BYD’s E platform 3.0, and after iteration, Tengshi N7 is further upgraded, which is mainly reflected in the two dimensions of performance and safety.

In terms of performance, Tengshi N7′ s four-wheel drive performance versionThe acceleration of 100 kilometers is only 3.9 seconds.Proper first echelon level. And so is the rear-axle permanent magnet synchronous motor of Tengshi N7.The first mass-produced eight-in-one electric powertrainIt has more advantages in the miniaturization and lightweight level of the system, and the comprehensive efficiency has been greatly improved, which is helpful to reduce the power consumption of vehicles.

In terms of security,Naturally, I have to mention the combination of BYD CTB technology and blade battery.Compared with CTP scheme, CTB technology combines the upper cover of the blade battery and the floor of the car body into a sandwich structure of the whole car, which saves space occupation, improves the torsional stiffness of the whole car and has higher safety.

Moreover, thanks to the CTB battery body integration technology, Tengshi N7 has a lower center of gravity and a flatter floor, so the longitudinal space inside the car is naturally larger. The electric pony Xiaobian is sitting in the back row, and it is very ample in both head space and leg space.

Second, the chassis of Tengshi N7 is the ceiling in a 300,000-class pure tram.

Tengshi N7 in the editorial department of Dianju has been bought and opened for less than half a year, and friends have given unanimous praise to the chassis of Tengshi N7. In the video, I believe everyone also felt the powerful driving performance of Tengshi N7.

We often see that a car is not luxurious, high or high, and the chassis texture actually accounts for a large part. The chassis performance of Tengshi N7 is so powerful, which is a very important reason.Cloud chariot a (standard edition) system on board. The hardware foundation of this system is air spring and variable damping shock absorber, which can dynamically adjust the damping and stiffness of suspension system to better balance the handling performance and ride comfort of vehicles.

By the way, Tengshi N7 is also worried that people think that the maintenance cost of the suspension will be high.Therefore, the 8-year or 160,000-kilometer super-long warranty was introduced for the suspension.The main thing is sincerity.

Third, the intelligence of Tengshi N7 is surprising.

As all the friends who are concerned about the automobile circle know, last year, a big melon incident was that He Xiaopeng and Yu Chengdong had been fighting each other for a long time over who was the best in their AEB.

As a result, the car emperor couldn’t stand it any longer, so he came out as the referee and invited seven popular models, including Aouita 11, Tucki G9, Tucki G6 and Tengshi N7, to hold a comparative test on AEB.

I don’t know this ratio, but I directly blew up the hidden master Tengshi N7.

In the static fake car test, Tengshi N7 successfully identified the preceding car at 60km/h, ranking second, only behind Huawei’s Aouita 11 and Wenjie M5. In the rear-end collision test of static two-wheeled vehicles, Huawei’s Wujie M5 and Aouita 11 accurately identified obstacles at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, and then avoided collisions. Tengshi N7 also accurately identifies obstacles at 60 kilometers per hour, avoiding collisions. Tengshi N7 and Huawei are tied for the first place in this project.

Moreover, in the recent winter test of Knowing Car Emperor, Tengshi N7 was among the best in all tests, and ACC and pure battery life were far ahead of peers.

Therefore, Dianju Xiaobian is very much looking forward to it. What level will NOA, the city of Tengshi N7, be? You know, the hardware configuration of Tengshi N7 advanced intelligent driving version is also very high, with33 sensors, including dual lidar, and a NVIDIA Orin X chip.

In short, judging from the strength shown by Tengshi N7, BYD has been reinforced in the level of intelligent driving, even reaching the level of the first echelon in the industry.

In addition to the reinforcement of intelligent driving, Tengshi N7 has also been further upgraded in the intelligent cockpit. To sum up, it isSmarter and more luxurious.

The smarter place is Tengshi N7.The whole system comes standard with 6 large screens and 6 nm process chips., multi-screen can realize the function of mutual transmission. Although the central control screen no longer supports rotation, the screen size has been further increased to 17.3 inches, which makes the visual and control experience even better.

The AR-HUD system is also equipped under the windshield in front of the driver, which displays more information and can realize real-life navigation and other functions.

In addition, the left and right air conditioning air outlet areas in the front of the vehicle are also equipped with display screens, which can display air conditioning temperature and wind speed information.

Of course, if you want to achieve and drive so many screen linkages, the hardware can’t be bad.Tengshi N7′ s cockpit chip adopts 6 nm process and integrates 5G network, and the officially announced running score reaches 550,000.

In terms of car system, Tengshi N7 is equipped with Tengshi Link super intelligent interactive car system.

In terms of luxury configuration, Tengshi N7 is directly full.

The most interesting luxury configuration isTengshi N7 cooperates with French luxury brand Divare.The first Tivare car audio system was built, which has 16 customized speakers and a total power of 960 watts. You know, as a luxury brand, Divare has to sell a Bluetooth stereo for 30,000-40,000 yuan, so there is no need to worry about the sound quality.

Of course, it is not only the configuration, but also the materials and design of Tengshi N7 in the interior space. It is very willing to pay for the materials. The combination of leather, solid wood and crystal makes the cockpit more luxurious and textured. In addition, the N7′ s seat is in place in terms of angle and support for the body. There are also many configurations such as massage and ventilation.

Moreover, the above configurations including audio are standard. In Teng Shi’s own words:The top match of others is the standard of Tengshi N7.

Fourth, Tengshi N7′ s exclusive function-double gun overcharge!

If you don’t think an overcharge is fast enough, plug in another charging gun! Tengshi N7 is equipped with BYD’s dual-gun fast charging technology. The single-gun charging power is 150kW, and the dual-gun charging power can reach 230kW. According to the official,The maximum charging mileage of Tengshi N7 in 15 minutes is 350km.

At present, many manufacturers have introduced overcharge technology, and the charging efficiency is really fast. However, judging from the popularity of existing overfilling, it is still far from enough. For example, in many high-speed and remote areas, many manufacturers have not yet laid out overfilling.

On the one hand, BYD’s dual-gun overcharge technology just covers the vacancies in some markets, allowing users to achieve charging power of more than 200kW in most parts of China and reduce charging waiting time; Second, there is no need to spend more cost to build overfilling, which can be said to be a very practical innovative technology.

Tengshi N7 not only has a strong charging function, but also has a strong discharging function. Tengshi N7 is equipped with V2V mobile power station, and its external discharge power has risen to 6 kW.

Well, speaking of which, the first question at the beginning of the article must have been answered by everyone. As far as product strength is concerned, Tengshi N7 is definitely a good car. In terms of product strength,Tengshi N7 almost integrates all the top technologies of BYD in electric drive, battery, body control and intelligence.

As for which configuration is better?

Xiao bian feels that he must buy the version with air suspension. With the blessing of Yunqi A (standard version) system, the comfort and handling of the whole vehicle will be improved a lot. As for four-wheel drive or single motor, it depends on the individual’s pursuit of battery life or motivation.

In addition, Xiao Bian suggested that if you have sufficient budget, you can also choose Tengshi N7′ s smart driving high-speed smart driving bag to enjoy the convenient and safe travel experience brought by the high-speed NOA function. Besides, there is a limited time discount now.

By the way, Tengshi N7 also has the latest terminal rights. If you want to buy a car before the Spring Festival, you may wish to go to the physical store to have a closer look.