"Seventeen" exposes nostalgic trailer, Ren Xianqi meets Alyssa Alyssa 20 years later

Alyssa Alyssa

    1905 movie network news Youth Nostalgia Pure Love has been set to be released nationwide on October 30. Recently, the film’s producers released a trailer for the nostalgic version of the film. The released trailer, with the theme of "Remembering the 1980s," tells the story of the adult Lin Keming, played by Ren Xianqi, and the adult Wang Lei, played by Jia Jingwen, who meet again after two decades of separation. The unexpected encounter also triggered full memories of the young student days of the two.

    "Everyone will have a deep crush when they are 17 or 18 years old," Ren Xianqi, the star of the film, said in an interview. "Secret love is a very shocking thing, but at the same time, secret love is also the most willing to love someone. After many years, time may change a lot, but the original fiery heart may never change." "Seventeen" is directed by Zhou Gertai and stars Ren Xianqi, Jia Jingwen, Cheng Xi and Shi Zhitian.

Ren Xianqi


    In the "1980s" trailer released this time, Lin Keming’s pursuit of Wang Lei during his student days can be said to be "moving". Not only did he try every means to attract Wang Lei’s attention, but he also followed Wang Lei all the way home by bike after school. After being discovered by Wang Lei, Lin Keming, who was in a hurry, fell heavily to the ground because he quickly braked.


    It is reported that the film "Seventeen" tells a love story that spans three decades, showing the audience the truest thoughts of an unmarried man. It is reported that Jia Jingwen had a deep understanding of the film during the filming. She once said: "’Seventeen’ conveys an emotion that a person will meet the person they love and the person who loves them in their life. For the vast majority of men, there is only one woman whose status is unshakable, and that is the first love."

A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China’s automotive industry

International Online Auto Channel News (Huang): Although the popularity of the domestic SUV market has subsided since May this year, and even there has been a year-on-year decline for several consecutive months, at the 16th Guangzhou Auto Show, new SUVs still account for half of the country. Among the many new SUV models, China FAW Hongqi’s first high-end C-class SUV – HS7, with its detached product positioning and unparalleled brand influence, has become the star of this auto show.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

In recent years, independent brands have developed rapidly, and various brands have frequently launched products with higher positioning, and even high-end sub-brands have gradually emerged. However, the "infighting" of independent brands in the A-class and B-class markets is a norm that cannot be changed in a short period of time. There are both technical limitations and objective problems of relatively limited brand influence. In contrast, Hongqi HS7 is like a master who has completed "closed-door cultivation", and has the potential to "ascend to immortality" in the face of the more severe C-class luxury SUV market. The irreplaceable position of Hongqi brand in people’s hearts makes people look forward to Hongqi HS7 and helps China’s auto industry climb to a new peak.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

The debut of Hongqi HS7 not only means the launch of the brand’s new strategic models, but also a concentrated display of the results of the new Hongqi brand strategy announced nearly a year later. Competitive products directly target many high-end imported cars, and Hongqi HS7 has also become the beginning of the struggle of Chinese auto brands in higher-level markets. In January this year, the brand strategy of Xinhongqi was released in the Great Hall of the People. As the eldest son of the Republic and a symbolic brand of China’s automobile industry, the new concept and new positioning conveyed by Xinhongqi instantly ignited the hopes of many viewers. From the release of the brand strategy in January to the launch of Hongqi H5 in April, and then to the debut of Hongqi HS7 in November, the pace of Xinhongqi’s progress was extremely brisk.

From a product perspective, the advent of Hongqi HS7 first enriched the product matrix of the New Hongqi brand, expanding the scale of product production and sales. At the same time, compared with the first model Hongqi H5 launched after the brand transformation, Hongqi HS7’s product positioning and technical level are more in line with the essence of the New Hongqi brand’s Chinese neo-noble refinement. There is no doubt that Hongqi HS7 is the best "spokesperson" of the New Hongqi brand at this stage, and the significance of the new car is also more profound.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

On the basis of adhering to the concept of "Chinese New Noble Exquisite" of the New Hongqi brand, the Hongqi HS7 integrates the design concept of "Shang · Zhi · Yi". The straight waterfall air intake grille is larger than the Hongqi H5 in size, echoing the new interpretation of the Hongqi vertical standard, showing the noble temperament, and also showing the symmetrical beauty of Chinese aesthetics. In addition to the majestic shape, the core of the Hongqi HS7 is also ready to impact the C-class SUV market.

The 3.0L V6TD engine independently developed by China FAW with the highest level in China will become the "heart" of Hongqi HS7, with a maximum power of 248kW and a peak torque of 445Nm. It matches the Aisin 8-speed automatic transmission. Hongqi HS7 already has the foundation of not losing to international brands in terms of core power technology. At the same time, in terms of vehicle interconnection performance, Hongqi HS7 is also worth looking forward to. Although no specific information has been disclosed at the auto show, on November 6, Xu Liuping, chairperson of China FAW, said in Wuzhen: "Hongqi has begun to layout in the fields of electrification, intelligent networking, and mobile travel, and has made substantial progress." For the family’s flagship SUV products at this stage, Hongqi HS7 will naturally become the best carrier of the new Hongqi brand’s intelligent technology.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

The "leapfrog" Hongqi HS7 has become a well-deserved masterpiece of Chinese SUV products in one fell swoop, and will also become a milestone worth remembering in China’s automotive industry at every node of exploring the higher-end market. With the ultimate quality, strong product force, deep brand connotation and intelligent "brain", Hongqi HS7 will surely become a breakthrough SUV product. Every step Hongqi HS7 takes in the market will powerfully drive the wheels of China’s automotive industry development. (Image source: FAW Hongqi)

2008 Moved Chinese Candidate – Andy Lau

Andy Lau endorses the Paralympic Games

    Andy Lau (a star who actively promotes the Paralympic Games, the unique scenery at the Paralympic Games)

    Male, born in 1961, 47 years old, image ambassador for the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games.

    During the 2008 Olympic Games, he advocated for all the stars in the entertainment industry to welcome and pay attention to the Olympic Games together. From the torch relay to the Olympic closing ceremony, he sang. He did what a Chinese should do, and he threw himself into everything he did. Therefore, he became a role model for everyone.

    When the Olympic Games ended, Andy Lau kept reminding everyone that there was more to be done at the Paralympic Games. Therefore, when Andy Lau promoted the Paralympic Games in various places, he had to explain the wonders of the Paralympic Games to everyone, hoping that everyone would pay attention to the Paralympic Games at the same time as the Olympic Games. Therefore, Andy Lau always wanted to cheer for the athletes without disturbing them. Under the prompt arrangement of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation, as soon as Andy finished his performance at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, he set off for the Paralympic Training Center in Shunyi, Beijing the next morning. The people at the center allowed Andy Lau to visit 10 practices for disabled athletes.

    For an appointment four years ago, Andy Lau cancelled all other activities and showed up at the "Water Cube" as scheduled to watch He Junquan’s game. He also kept clapping his hands for his friends.

    But it is precisely because of Andy Lau’s actions at the Olympic Games that we have seen the real star effect. And it is because of him that he has become another sight during the Olympic Games!

Editor in charge: Zhang Tuoya

Pre-sale price of cross-country version of Great Wall Gun 16

Auto channel [May 28] [Today's Focus] The pre-sale price of the off-road version of the Great Wall Gun will be 160,000-200,000 yuan, which will be officially listed on June 5.

  Yichexun Recently, we learned from the Great Wall official that the off-road version of the gasoline model has announced the pre-sale price, and its pre-sale price range is 160,000-200,000 yuan. The new car will be officially launched on June 5, and the diesel version will be pre-sold in July. There are three versions of Great Wall Gun, namely, passenger version, commercial version and off-road version. The passenger version and commercial version have been listed in 2019, and the off-road version with the most powerful performance has attracted the attention of off-road enthusiasts.

Auto channel [May 28] [Today's Focus] The pre-sale price of the off-road version of the Great Wall Gun will be 160,000-200,000 yuan, which will be officially listed on June 5.

Auto channel [May 28] [Today's Focus] The pre-sale price of the off-road version of the Great Wall Gun will be 160,000-200,000 yuan, which will be officially listed on June 5.

  The overall modeling of the cross-country version of the Great Wall Gun continues the style of the Great Wall Gun series, but on this basis, a large number of cross-country kits are added to make it more radical than the other two versions. The approach angle, departure angle and minimum ground clearance of the cross-country version of Great Wall Gun are 30 degrees, 26 degrees and 245 mm, which provides a certain guarantee for passability.

Auto channel [May 28] [Today's Focus] The pre-sale price of the off-road version of the Great Wall Gun will be 160,000-200,000 yuan, which will be officially listed on June 5.

  In terms of size, the length, width and height of the vehicle are 5437/1958/1893 mm (the height after adding the luggage rack is 1918 mm) and the wheelbase is 3230 mm. In terms of tires, the new car will provide three specifications: 265/60R18, 265/65R18 and LT265/65R18(LT stands for light truck tires).

Auto channel [May 28] [Today's Focus] The pre-sale price of the off-road version of the Great Wall Gun will be 160,000-200,000 yuan, which will be officially listed on June 5.

Auto channel [May 28] [Today's Focus] The pre-sale price of the off-road version of the Great Wall Gun will be 160,000-200,000 yuan, which will be officially listed on June 5.

Auto channel [May 28] [Today's Focus] The pre-sale price of the off-road version of the Great Wall Gun will be 160,000-200,000 yuan, which will be officially listed on June 5.

  The overall style of the interior of the off-road version is the same as that of the passenger version, but the color scheme is red and black, which is consistent with the appearance. The difference is that the logo of "OFFROAD" has been added to the right side of the center console of the new car and the seat back, rendering a stronger off-road cultural atmosphere.

Auto channel [May 28] [Today's Focus] The pre-sale price of the off-road version of the Great Wall Gun will be 160,000-200,000 yuan, which will be officially listed on June 5.

  In terms of power, the new car offers car version and diesel version, in which the gasoline version is equipped with a 2.0T engine, with a maximum power of 140kW and a maximum torque of 360Nm, and meets the national VI emission standard; The diesel version uses a 2.0T diesel engine with a maximum power of 122kW, and the transmission system is matched with an 8-speed automatic manual transmission from ZF.

Safety first, please check this wading guide of the Great Wall Cannon.

It’s rainy season again, and the biggest trouble for vehicles in rainy season is wading. Even vehicles with strong wading ability should not blindly wade. Remember that wading is a "no-no", which may cause various serious consequences if it is not handled properly. For the sake of everyone’s life and property safety, we have to repeat the old saying and tell the owners of the Great Wall Cannon what to pay attention to when traveling daily and wading outdoors!

Remember not to wade blindly.

Recently, I saw videos of people who were killed because of driving and wading. Most of them were caused by blind wading. You should think twice before you encounter stagnant roads, and always have a sense of risk prevention to prevent problems before they happen. At the same time, we should learn to judge the depth of water level. We can judge the approximate water level by surrounding reference objects. If there is no reference object, we can also judge the water level by throwing stones and inserting bamboo poles. It is really impossible to judge the water level. Don’t rush into the water. If you can go around, you can go around.

You should also have a full understanding of the maximum wading depth of your car. Because the original factory comes standard with a wading throat, the wading depth of the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck can reach 700mm, which is far more than the maximum wading depth of 400mm for ordinary cars. Facing the low-lying water-logged sections of the city, there is generally no big problem, but it is better to be cautious when encountering floods or rushing rivers.

In addition to judging the depth of accumulated water and understanding the vehicle’s wading situation, it is necessary to have certain wading driving skills. First, it is best to choose a route with higher terrain to enter the water. During the driving process in the water, you should keep driving at a low speed and at a constant speed, keep the engine at 1500-2000 rpm, keep the throttle, don’t step deeply, and don’t collect oil. In this way, water will not enter the engine room and cockpit because of the excessive speed and splash, and water will not enter the engine because of the backward suction of the exhaust pipe. Finally, don’t forget to put on life jackets for all the people in the car, and open the windows and skylights at the same time to escape quickly in case of emergency.

If the car turns off accidentally, don’t start it again. The second start will lead to serious mechanical failure of the engine, causing irreversible damage, and the insurance will not pay for it. At this time, we can only cut off the power and ask for rescue, and the subsequent maintenance will be handed over to the 4S shop for processing.

Check the vehicle in time and eliminate the problem.

After successfully crossing the water, don’t forget to check the vehicle. Even if the vehicle doesn’t break down suddenly during the wading process, it doesn’t mean that it is foolproof, because there may be various "dark diseases" in the vehicle after wading. Many parts of the Great Wall Cannon can be inspected by itself, such as 360 Panorama, radar control module, horn, compressor assembly, winch assembly, lighting, glass lifter assembly, windshield washer assembly, 220V inverter and starter. The method is also very simple. Start the vehicle first. If the engine can start normally, it means that the starter is normal, and then check other parts one by one.

Among them, the fault of the radar control module of the Great Wall Gun can be displayed in the form of fault code. When checking the headlights, pay attention to whether there is water or silt in the headlights. When checking the glass lifter assembly, press it several times to see if it is normal. When checking the 220V inverter, just turn on the switch and see if the indicator light is on.

If the vehicle is seriously waded, besides self-inspection, the owner is advised to go to the 4S shop or service station, where the staff will inspect more core components, such as battery+generator, electric steering gear, crankshaft position sensor, engine accessory gear train, turbocharger, transmission breather pipe, transmission assembly, radiator, intercooler, oil cooler, fan, drive shaft/transmission shaft sheath, fuel vent valve pipe and transfer case assembly.

Driving in water is not a child’s play. It is necessary to understand that stepping on a puddle and wading are two different things. Everything is safety-oriented. I hope the above wading precautions can help everyone!

Haval Xiaolong MAX, which has strong power and saves money, is worth considering.

With the arrival of the new energy era, many car companies have started the road to the new energy track. No matter whether it is a new force to build a car or a traditional car company, there is no doubt that they are competing to make efforts. After all, who can take the lead in bringing better products into the market will get the market initiative, but is this really the case? I believe that Haval Xiaolong MAX will appear in most people’s answers. The positioning of plug-in hybrid medium-sized SUV, the standard four-wheel drive system in the whole system, and the good configuration level, the key price is less than 160,000, and this "king of volume" can be said to give a lesson to peers.

Modeling design is unique.

In fact, most of today’s car designs are similar, especially the design of new energy vehicles in modeling is difficult for consumers to find bright spots. Although different people have different opinions on the appearance, many young consumers are very concerned about the first impression of a new car. Therefore, on the new energy track, Harvard brand does not use the design style of dolls. On the one hand, it wants to show consumers a new side. On the other hand, Harvard brand is committed to creating a more unique new car design, making the brand more in line with the aesthetics of young consumers and showing the brand’s latest product image. Harvard Xiaolong MAX is one of them.

As a plug-in SUV, Haval Xiaolong MAX adopts minimalism as a whole, but skillfully incorporates unique elements to create a brand-new product image that is younger and more scientific. In itself, it is a new breakthrough in technology. If the design does not bring forth new ideas and insists on the traditional SUV design, it will not only fail to keep up with the trend of the times, but also make consumers lose interest. Therefore, the value of Haval Xiaolong MAX alone will definitely make consumers shine.

From the appearance alone, the style of Haval Xiaolong MAX this time can be said to be very different from the fuel car under the previous brand. The design of low wind resistance body lines gives the new car a sense of movement and smoothness, and also improves the overall aerodynamic performance. The unique laser mesh air intake grille also increases the recognition visually, making Haval Xiaolong MAX stand out among many models.

The most impressive thing about the interior is the 12.3-inch full-color LCD central control screen +12.3-inch full-color LCD auxiliary driving screen+12.3-inch full-color LCD instrument. The three screens do not interfere with each other and the image is clear. Among them, the 12.3-inch full-color LCD co-driver screen is equipped with the exclusive entertainment system of the co-driver, which greatly enhances the fun of driving. This design makes the co-pilot no longer feel boring during the long journey.

What new energy needs is safety.

At present, there are many types of new energy vehicles, and the number of new energy vehicles is gradually increasing. Therefore, the safety problems of some new energy vehicles have indeed attracted the attention of many consumers, such as spontaneous combustion and car accidents caused by intelligent driving failure, which are the fuses that restrict consumers from starting new energy vehicles. However, whether it is active or passive, Haval Xiaolong MAX can be said to be full in terms of safety configuration, giving drivers and their families a full sense of security.

First of all, Haval Xiaolong MAX is equipped with Coffee Pilot intelligent driving system, and the top model is equipped with 22 intelligent sensors, which can support L2+ intelligent driving assistance function, which undoubtedly provides drivers, especially novices, with more reliable driving safety protection.

For example, in the scene of daily commuting and long-distance travel, the system can provide intelligent driving assistance functions including ACC full-speed domain adaptive cruise, intelligent cruise, lever change (HWA), intelligent cornering, intelligent dodge active emergency braking, lane departure warning, lane keeping and emergency lane keeping assistance. If you are a novice driver who just got a driver’s license, this configuration can not only make you tired after long-distance driving, but also minimize the occurrence of traffic accidents and ensure the safety of vehicles and occupants.

Moreover, the 540 panoramic panoramic image equipped by Haval Xiaolong MAX can capture road safety hazards more comprehensively during driving, avoid potholes and obstacles in time, and avoid tire sinking and chassis rubbing. Full-scene automatic parking system has three auxiliary functions: integrated parking, remote parking and tracking reversing. By identifying the appropriate parking space and automatically controlling the vehicle, the driver can drive in and out of the parking space only by manipulating the vehicle according to the system prompts, which greatly reduces the parking difficulty of novice drivers in hutong and narrow parking spaces.

Don’t worry about passive safety. The front row has double pre-tightening belts with limited force, and the rear row has tight-limiting seat belts on both sides. The proportion of high-strength steel used in the car body is 73.6%, and the whole system is equipped with 6 airbags as standard, which has reached the C-NCAP five-star safety standard.

Hi4 with intelligent four-wheel drive electric hybrid technology

As a new energy vehicle, especially plug-in hybrid vehicles, efficient powertrain is the biggest selling point. Haval Xiaolong MAX is built on the latest hybrid platform of Great Wall Motor and equipped with a new hybrid architecture Hi4. The power system consists of a brand-new 1.5L high thermal efficiency engine, a two-speed hybrid special transmission, a 70kW front axle motor, a 150kW rear axle motor and a battery pack. The comprehensive power of the system is 205kW, and the comprehensive torque is 585 N m. It takes only 6.8 seconds to accelerate at zero speed, with faster response speed and stronger torque output, which is more advantageous than the traditional double power.

Hi4, a new hybrid architecture, adopts the innovative configuration of series-parallel electric four-wheel drive with front and rear axles, and combines intelligent energy management and iTVC intelligent torque vector control system to accurately identify real-time road conditions and realize intelligent dynamic switching of 3 engines and 9 modes. Equipped with a brand-new single-motor two-speed hybrid special transmission, it adopts fixed-axis gear train and lightweight design to realize multi-mode switching, flat-wire motor and high-efficiency bearing, and all modes operate efficiently to reduce transmission loss. The power battery adopts laminated bipolar ear design, and the anode of the battery cell is made of NCM polycrystalline material, which makes the power battery have strong fast charging ability, with 33kW DC fast charging, and the power is from 30% to 80%, and the fast charging takes only 26 minutes; The maximum discharge power is 3.3kW, and the efficiency is higher.

Not only that, Haval Xiaolong MAX adopts the front McPherson independent suspension and the rear trailing arm three-link independent rear suspension. This suspension has high reliability, strong durability, light weight and fast speed response, which effectively improves the comfort of riding in the back row and does not shake at high speed, greatly reducing the possibility of long-distance carsickness.

Write at the end:

The biggest highlight of Haval Xiaolong MAX is that it has the experience of intelligent electric four-wheel drive under the premise of having the energy consumption of two-wheel drive of the same class. If you are considering buying an SUV that can give strong power and give consideration to fuel economy, and the internal and external design can keep up with the fashion trend and also has a personality, consider this Haval Xiaolong MAX.

Just bought a new car and changed it into an old one. The owner is angry! The merchant replied like this. …

  CCTV News:Faced with the question that "voice" is greater than "product", since the beginning of this year, the new car-making force, which is mainly based on the Internet, has begun to provide a large number of new cars to the market. In the first half of this year, the production and sales of the three head enterprises, Tucki, Weimar and Weilai, all approached 10,000 vehicles. While consumers are experiencing the new mode of building cars on the Internet, new problems have also emerged.

  Just bought a new car, changed the old one, and the loyal car owner turned black.

  Early in the morning, Zhu Yue drove his new car, which he had just bought for less than a month, from Shenzhen to Xpeng Motors headquarters. Now, he has long forgotten the joy when he picked up the car. The purpose of going to Guangzhou this time is to discuss this new car.

  Zhu Yue, owner of Xpeng Motors, Shenzhen, Guangdong:I feel trapped and cheated. Because at the beginning, I also wanted a high battery life when I ordered this car, but the sales kept telling me that there was no such version.

  To Zhu Yue’s surprise and anger, on July 10th, Xpeng Motors officially released the G3 2020 model and accepted the reservation at the same time. The new model not only fully optimizes the chassis and braking performance, but also greatly increases the maximum cruising range from 365 km to 520 km, while the price has only increased by more than 10,000 yuan.

  Zhu Yue, owner of Xpeng Motors, Shenzhen, Guangdong:I can’t accept this high-endurance version later. I have repeatedly stressed the need for a high-endurance version even if the price is increased.

  What makes car owners most dissatisfied is that in June, many salespeople not only denied that there would be a new car with high endurance in the near future, but also urged car owners to book cars on the grounds that subsidies for new energy vehicles would decline.

  Hao Xianju, owner of Xpeng Motors, Guangzhou, Guangdong:There is no reason to build a car, only half a month and then build it. So I feel misled and cheated.

  Fan Nina, Head of Guangzhou Gaode Land Experience Center in Xpeng Motors:We also know the news synchronously with the consumer, just one hour in advance.

  Data show that G3, as the first product in Xpeng Motors, did not start mass delivery until March this year. In other words, most car owners have only used 2019 new cars for less than 4 months, and now they have become old models. In June 2019 alone, the 2019 model of G3 sold 2,237 vehicles, accounting for almost a quarter of the total cumulative sales of 9,596 vehicles.

  Li Pengcheng, General Manager of Xpeng Motors Brand Public Relations:There are some differences between the new forces of making cars and traditional automobile enterprises. Our products will be iterated quickly from now to the future, and the hardware iteration, such as the electronic control of battery motors, has indeed developed rapidly in recent years, so the product iteration will be relatively faster.

  The solution is not satisfactory. It is difficult for consumers to defend their rights.

  In the face of the dissatisfaction of car owners, recently, He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xpeng Motors, publicly apologized on the Internet. "The rapid iteration of our hardware really blocked our former Pengyou, sorry!" This week, Xpeng Motors officially gave the exclusive rights and interests of the old car owners, but consumers didn’t buy it. Just this weekend, car owners in many cities across the country are defending their rights to Xiaopeng Automobile.

  At the Xpeng Motors Service Center of Chengshou Temple in Beijing, more than 30 car owners and the staff of Xpeng Motors are having a heated debate. According to the solution put forward by Xpeng Motors on July 24th, every old car owner has two choices: to get a consumption fund of 10,000 yuan now, or to choose the right to replace it with a 60% discount when it is replaced in Xpeng Motors three years later. Faced with such a solution, the car owners at the scene did not agree.

  The legal person believes that if the salesperson’s introduction to the old model is true and no other facts are fabricated, it will be difficult to legally determine that it constitutes fraud, and it will be difficult to terminate the contract. At the same time, it is not easy to organize evidence to prove that salespeople are subjectively and intentionally concealing facts.

  Li Bin, lawyer of China Consumers Association Lawyers Group:If all the information propaganda of the old car itself is true, it just means that you bought the old car because you didn’t know that the new car was coming on the market, which obviously doesn’t conform to the legal situation that you can legally return the car unilaterally, so I’m afraid it won’t be realized.

  Iteration accelerates to normal, and new forces encounter new problems.

  The core of the dispute between consumers and Xpeng Motors is the iteration of automobile product upgrading. Under normal circumstances, the price of traditional cars will be gradually lowered over time. Car companies will generally forecast the new models in advance, and promote the price reduction of the previous generation models to a certain extent, and the update time is generally 3 ~ 4 years. This time, Xpeng Motors caused controversy mainly because the product iteration was too fast, and the news of updating the model was not told to consumers before. These new problems are also industry problems faced by Internet car companies.

  The new car-making forces, represented by Weilai, Tucki and Weimar, have deep Internet genes, and their sales models are very different from those of traditional cars. On the one hand, the iterative speed of product upgrade is fast, and the technology will be updated in half a year or even three months. On the other hand, because the enterprise has a weak foundation for building cars, the production cycle of initial models is long, and consumers have to wait for several months or even more than one year after placing orders.

  Experts said that at present, the domestic battery cost is basically declining at a rate of 20% per year, and the cruising range is rapidly increasing, with "revolutionary changes" almost every year. In order to seize the market, all car companies will apply the latest technology to new cars at the first time, and the price is also sold at the cost.

  In December last year, the second mass production model ES6 of Weilai was officially launched, which caused a dispute about whether the old model ES8 would be eliminated or reduced in price. On February 28 this year, Tesla officially announced that the price of all the models on sale had been greatly reduced, which was fiercely resisted by the old car owners. Tesla was also forced to introduce a compensation plan for users who had placed an order and did not mention the car. How to deal with the relationship between technology upgrading, rapid product iteration and consumers will be an urgent problem for Internet car companies.

Tang DMi top version contrast CR-V sharp mixed net speed version

  Two of the most mainstream hybrid SUVs, let’s take a look at the fuel consumption that everyone is most concerned about. There are two kinds of fuel consumption declared by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of Honda Sharp CR-V Hybrid Net Speed Edition, the NEDC comprehensive working condition is 4.9 liters, and the Tang DMi is 1.2L. In addition, Tang DMi also has a power loss and fuel consumption of 5.5L

Tang DMi top version contrast CR-V sharp mixed net speed version

  In the actual test drive evaluation, when the speed of 0-80 is below 100 km/h at most, the DONG DMi Zunrong model has always been in the most fuel-efficient range, with an average fuel consumption of about 3.5L At this time, it is mainly driven by the motor, and the engine is only responsible for charging the motor, and it continues to operate in a high-efficiency area, so the fuel consumption is very low. Moreover, Tang DMi also has a pure battery life of 112 kilometers. At this time, the fuel consumption is 0. The engine is not working. Therefore, Tang DMi is very suitable for driving at a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour on urban congested roads. The more blocked, the more fuel-efficient it is, which is worthy of the name.

Tang DMi top version contrast CR-V sharp mixed net speed version
Tang DMi top version contrast CR-V sharp mixed net speed version
Tang DMi top version contrast CR-V sharp mixed net speed version

  Similarly, when the speed of 0-80 is below 100 km/h at most, the Honda CR-V sharp hybrid net speed version is also the most fuel-efficient range. However, it is not 100% motor-driven like I when starting, but the motor directly drives the engine to start running together, even if the full charge is sufficient. Therefore, its comprehensive fuel consumption in Bitang DMi is slightly higher. When it is below 100 kilometers, it is usually measured at around 6L.

Tang DMi top version contrast CR-V sharp mixed net speed version
Tang DMi top version contrast CR-V sharp mixed net speed version

  Then, at the speed of 100-140 kilometers per hour, the fuel consumption of both cars has increased a lot. When the average speed of Tang DMi is 130, the highest measured fuel consumption of both cars exceeds 9L-10L. It can be said that there is no difference between high-speed industrial and mining hybrid and ordinary self-priming fuel consumption.

  Let’s look at the following chassis. The suspensions of both cars are very good, flexible and comfortable to drive. If we must say something bad, the tire noise is a bit loud when the speed exceeds 130 per hour. In addition, Tang DMi chassis protective guard plate is larger than Cr-V.

  Finally, neither car has a spare tire, and the CR-V comes with an air pump and a tire repair tank. Don DMi does have a tire tonic. Because the battery is under the trunk of the hybrid model. There is no room for sinking.

  The interior atmosphere and materials are basically dominated by Tang DMi. In particular, the buttons on the CR-V steering wheel feel cheap, the multimedia screen is small and the switching speed is slow. Of course, there are also comments that BYD is slow, but the one we tested is ok.

Tang DMi top version contrast CR-V sharp mixed net speed version
Tang DMi top version contrast CR-V sharp mixed net speed version

  Well, after comparison, it is found that Tang DMi and CR-V sharp hybrid net speed version are evenly matched, with better space and interior, almost equal power and fuel consumption, and Tang has a slight advantage. However, Tang DMi has just been listed, and its stability and reliability need to be tested for a long time. CR-V sharp hybrid has been well-known in the market for nearly five years. In addition, Tang DMi has two-wheel drive systems, and CR-V sharp hybrid has four-wheel drive systems. If there are only short-distance urban scenes, you may wish to try Tang DMi. If there is still off-road demand, please consider CR-V sharp hybrid four-wheel drive systems, or Tang DM.

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  Looking back at the space and power comparison between the two cars, please see the first episode: Who is better for home hybrid SUV? Tang DMi top version contrast CR-V sharp mixed net speed version

Mercedes-Benz E300 Body Dimensions

The automobile field has always been an industry with continuous progress and development, among which Mercedes-Benz brand stands out in the market with its excellent quality and innovative technology. As a classic model of Mercedes-Benz brand, Mercedes-Benz E300 has always been the focus of consumers’ attention. Today, we will discuss the body size and characteristics of Mercedes-Benz E300 in depth to help you better understand this car.

Mercedes-Benz E300′ s body size is very suitable, neither too large nor too compact. Its length, width and height are 4925mm, 1860mm and 1470mm respectively, and its wheelbase is 2939mm. This body size not only provides drivers with spacious driving space, but also provides passengers with a comfortable ride experience.

In appearance, the lines of Mercedes-Benz E300 are smooth, and the body proportion is coordinated, giving people an elegant feeling. Its front face adopts a family-style design, and the combination of headlights and air intake grille is both domineering and gentle. The lines on the side of the car body are smooth, and the waistline extends from the front wheel eyebrows to the taillights, which enhances the three-dimensional sense of the car body. The design of the rear of the car is simple, and the shape of the taillights is unique, which echoes the headlights and makes the whole car look more harmonious and unified.

In the interior, Mercedes-Benz E300 also performed well. The car has spacious space, exquisite materials and fine workmanship. The seat is made of high-grade leather, which is extremely comfortable. The design of the center console is simple and generous, and the layout of various buttons and knobs is reasonable and easy to operate. In addition, E300 is equipped with many high-tech configurations, such as navigation system, reversing radar and multi-function steering wheel, which provides great convenience for drivers.

The following is a simple table, which can visually show the comparison between the body size of Mercedes-Benz E300 and that of the same class:

By comparison, we can see that the body size of Mercedes-Benz E300 is in the leading position in the same class, and its wheelbase and width are particularly outstanding. This not only means that E300 has more spacious interior space, but also makes it more stable during driving.

Generally speaking, the body size of Mercedes-Benz E300 is one of its highlights, which not only meets the consumer’s demand for space, but also reflects the Mercedes-Benz brand’s unremitting pursuit of vehicle performance and comfort. If you are considering buying a luxury medium and large car, Mercedes-Benz E300 is definitely a choice worth considering.

Double swords are drawn! BYD Song PLUS/2021 Tang unveiled at Changsha Auto Show.

On October 1st, its heavy-duty model Song PLUS was officially launched in Hunan International Convention and Exhibition Center. The new car is positioned as "New Sensory Comfortable Class B SUV" with a 1.5T high-power engine. At present, there are four models to choose from, and the price range is 11.58-14.38 million yuan. It is understood that the pure tram version will also be listed in the future.

At the same time, the 2021 Tang, which has been waiting for countless "Di" powders for a long time, also officially appeared in Xingcheng at the same time. The guiding price of the 2021 comprehensive subsidy is 279,500-314,800 yuan; The guidance price after comprehensive subsidy is 236,800-286,800 yuan; The price of the 2021 Tang fuel version is 165,800 yuan.

Whether it is Song PLUS or 2021 Tang, the sense of advanced design inside and outside the new car has been greatly improved. Not only that, the luxury and power of the two models are outstanding at their respective price points. It is foreseeable that this double "sword" will not only provide users with better travel choices, but also make the future of the brand more worth looking forward to.

Global Super Safe Intelligent SUV——2021 Tang

The 2021 Tang still inherits the Dragon Face family-style design language created by Iger, integrates Chinese style and oriental culture into the design, and perfectly integrates China oriental culture and technology. Since its listing, it has been recognized by 210,000 car owners.

The new generation of Tang headlights adopt suspended Dragon Crystal LED headlights, and the rear taillights adopt seamless through LED taillights. There are 31 kinds of color-changing interactive intelligent cockpit atmosphere lights in the car, and there are over 770 LED beads in the whole car, allowing users to experience the beauty of the East and another beauty brought by technology.

In addition to the luxurious look and feel and comfortable experience, the 2021 Tang, as an ultimate performance product, has also been upgraded in handling. The 2021 Tang perfectly inherits the high-performance genes of family products and is equipped with super-performance DM-p technology, which only takes 4.3 s to accelerate 100 kilometers; The acceleration of 100 kilometers is only 4.4s, and the performance experience surpasses most million-class super-running SUVs.

Not only must it run fast, but it can also stop. The 2021 model is equipped with Braebo high-performance brake calipers commonly used in super running, and equipped with Bosch IPB integrated brake control system, with a braking distance of only 36m.

It is worth mentioning that the comprehensive endurance of the 2021 model has leapt again, reaching 800 kilometers, surpassing most medium and large fuel SUV;; The 2021 model equipped with a blade battery has a working life of 565 kilometers.

Song PLUS, a New B-Class SUV with Super Sense.

The face value of Song PLUS is controlled by a strong team. Former design director Iger is responsible for the overall design, former exterior director Lopez is responsible for the exterior design, former interior design director Michele is responsible for the interior design, and three international masters work together to create it. Then, the aesthetics of Song PLUS Dragon Soul will be further advanced and the comfort of the suspended cockpit will be enjoyed.

The body size of the new car is 4705/1890/1680mm, and the wheelbase is 2765 mm. The wide and low-lying design is matched with the stretched body lines and the penetrating waistline, which shows the dynamics and strength of the car body. The penetrating taillights and hidden exhaust make the tail lines simple but not simple.

The multi-layer suspension design of the interior of Song PLUS realizes the perfect integration of aesthetics and functional practicality. Song PLUS adopts gradient interior for the first time, combined with the use of imported suede materials and the embellishment of double stitches, this luxury is far ahead at the same level. Of course, traveling is not just a person on the road, but also to meet the travel of the whole family. Song PLUS has the widest body in its class, and the super-long wheelbase of the B-class SUV. Moreover, the best riding comfort angle of 28 degrees is adopted in the rear row, and the flat floor is added to create a real standard three-person seat in the rear row.

In terms of power, Song PLUS is equipped with Xiaoyun’s brand-new 1.5TI high-power powertrain, which is matched with a brand-new 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, making the whole shift operation very smooth. The highest transmission efficiency reaches 95%, and the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is reduced by 15%.

Not only that, as a dynamic and comfortable SUV, under the adjustment of our chief chassis expert Hans team, Song PLUS has brought the chassis performance of the former McPherson and the rear multi-link to the extreme. In the face of increasingly congested traffic, Song Plus has a minimum turning radius of 5.55 meters at the same level, which can truly achieve "one turn".

In addition, Song PLUS is also equipped with DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, such as lane assistance, intelligent navigation, traffic sign recognition and other functions, making users travel safer and more comfortable!

At the same time, Song PLUS is also a smart car that can constantly evolve, constantly upgrade and iterate. The OTA remote upgrade function of the whole vehicle comes standard, bringing users an ever-evolving leading technology experience.